Hearing is believing?........power cables.......

For anyone who is skeptical about the difference a high quality power cord can make in your high quality audio system........try it.......hearing is believing. About 10 years ago when I bought my first "entry level" hifi system (B&K amp/preamp, Canton speakers) my audio advisor dropped off a Tara Labs Prism power cord. He said just try it for a week and if you don't think it makes a difference just return it. I, like most unfamiliar with high quality cables, was skeptical.......how could a cable 1 meter long from the wall to my equipment make a difference? I put it on the power amp and yes I could definitely tell there was a more defined bass and overall clearer soundscape. I'm a musicians, so I figured maybe the "non audiophile" can't hear the difference. So my brother-in-law who is a bricklayer came over and we did a blind listening test. I randomly switched the Tara, sometimes trying to fool him......told him I switched but didn't........he could tell every time I used the Tara! So I was convinced that it was "wishful thinking on my part or particularly sensitive ears. If you don't think a great power cable can make a difference........take the challenge. Try one for a week and see (hear) for yourself!

Showing 13 responses by initforthemusic

@clearthink. So what point are you trying to get at? Your post makes your name a total misnomar.
This is going well.

Ah, the King Of Siam's back. Hope you are going well now too, as you wern't going too well in some earlier posts.
I think what Randy and I and other realists are saying is that once some very basic and inexpensive length/guage requirements are met, nothing is to be gained by spending sometimes insane amounts on aftermarket cabling...wasting money on them is ludicrous. If better performing power cables were really necessary, audio component manufacturers would surely provide better cables with their equipment. To not do so would make no sense. I don’t know how many different ways there are to say this..."exotic" cables are designed, marketed and sold to fix problems that do not exist. (quote from dynaquest14).

And this is the exact reason why dynaquest4 and the like will never "get it". The reason why manufacturers don't provide "upmarket power cables" is the same reason why manufacturers don't provide upmarket Interconnects and generally don't provide upmarket tubes. Imagine the added cost to a component. There are hundreds of Interconnect manufacturers and a fair percentage of Power Cable manufacturers. The chief designer says to his R&D team "We're going to supply upmarket Interconnects, Power Cables and Tubes for our components. Now  get to work and find the best matching IC's, PC's, Tubes". R&D come back 12 months later. "Yep we found the right matching cables & tubes". "How much did that cost?" "$200k in component costs for testing all the different cables and $200k in labour for hundreds of hours of listening tests". Said $5K component now costs $9K. Doesn't make economic sense.

Even if they just threw in random $100 cables & $200 of tubes. That $400 by the time it gets to the middleman and then the retailer becomes closer to $1K. Once again makes no economic sense. The majority of passionate audio buyers will want to swap out their own cables, tubes anyway to get their own signature sound and synergy with the rest of their system. Remember one sound doesn't suit all.

A great example of this recently was when I A/B'd two CD Players from the same manufacturer, the Vincent CD-S8 & Vincent CD-S7DAC, both very fine sounding CD Players. I placed some Silver XLR's (which sounded nice on the CD-S8 but sounded "too bright" on the CD-S7DAC).If Vincent included these with all their CD Players, there would be some disappointed CD-S7DAC owners who've paid for a cable that doesn't match well.

Some years ago I purchased a Power Amp which had an upmarket (not expensive but better than the throwaway PC) Power cable hard wired. About four years ago I had the cable replaced with an IEC socket .And guess what, I found a better matching Power Cable which increased the sound quality of the Power Amp.

I've done extensive testing of Power Cables. Some that match well with certain Pre-Amps, don't fare quite as well with certain CD Players and vice-versa. Yep a well made, well engineered, well matched Power Cable accompanied with good Power Treatment/Conditioning will undoubtedly allow good quality Audio Components to perform closer to their potential. Absolutely no question. And it doesn't need to cost a king's ransom.
@williewonka. Yes I've used good quality Power Cables on tube CD Players, tube Phono stages, tube & hybrid Pre-Amps. All benefit with increased sound quality with good quality upmarket Power Cables compared to using stock (throwaway) cables.
@knghifi   You appear to be as mixed-up and muddled up as the King Of Siam and unabletothink. It appears you just read unabletothink's incoherent ramblings and didn't bother to read my original posts of which unabletothink took excerpts from. Always a big,big mistake.

I'll go through it for you slowly so hopefully you can comprehend. My response was to dynaquest4's asking why manufacturer's don't supply upmarket cables with equipment? As I've explained it would be uneconomical and commercial suicide for a manufacturer to do this.

I then gave an example as I'd recently done an A/B with 2 of a manufacturer's CD Players. The initial XLR cable I chose to use sounded really nice on the CD-S8 but not so great on the CD-S7DAC. Now if you bought the CD-S7DAC and had to fork out an extra  $500 or so because the cable was included would you be happy? This was a perfect example of why manufacturer's (that I know of) don't supply upmarket cables.

The "Don't have to spend a kings ransom" quote was in response to the posts quoting near 7k & 13.5k for Power Cables. I am personally using $250 Power Cables on some very high end Active hybrid stats amongst my many sets of Speakers. Also on some big Mono Blocks. Many would be putting mega dollar cables on these, but I'm currently comfortable with these, mind you they compete with Cables costing a lot more. They are a substantial step-up over stock cables. Would the mega dollar cables be an improvement? I would certainly hope so but I'm in no hurry to find out. I have a dozen or so different brands in my 20 odd Power Cables (5 systems). Max. I've spent is $350 on one cable, all are a step-up over stock Power Cables. So my point was you don't have to spend mega dollars to get an improvement.

Somehow unabletothink started an ego-driven delusional rant about himself. Incomprehensible.

There's your lesson knghifi, enjoy.
@knghifi You are still seriously struggling with the concept. I'll try and make it simpler for you. If you purchased a component and you had to pay a premium for a supplied cable and the cable made the component sound ordinary, would you be happy paying the premium for the included cable? I certainly wouldn't. Wouldn't that be a big reason why manufacturers don't generally supply upmarket cables? I hope you finally get it.
Now you are starting to get it knghifi. It was a bit like toilet training an infant, but you are slowly understanding.

This is the exact reason why manufacturers (that I know of), don't supply upmarket cables. One cable doesn't suit all. So they generally throw in a cheap throwaway, as most will upgrade cables. Now do you understand why it would be a waste if they put in a fairly expensive same cable on all their components?. It might match beautifully on some components but not match so well on others. My example illustrated this brilliantly.

Relating to the second part do you know of any manufacturer supplying fairly expensive Cables with components? I don't but of course don't know all manufacturers. I've seen slightly better Interconnects supplied which at a guess might cost $25 rather than the $5 throwaways.

Yep, blind test and not blind test can pick the difference every time between a good quality audiophile Power Cable and cheap throwaway cable. Combined with good Power conditioning, music just flows with better depth, definition, dynamics etc.

As long as you have high quality equipment money extremely well spent.