Headphone amp and headphones... ?

I'm thinking about buying a headphone amp and headphones... will i hear a noticable difference if i 'm in the 1500.00 headphone range and around 700.00 for the amp? I have Rouge audio 180 mono blocks and the 99 preamp. The way it is now i can't get any sound / volume out of it with just the headphones

Showing 4 responses by tonykay

I've said it before, let me say it again. Buy a used pair of Stax electrostatics with it's dedicated driver unit. I
heartily recommend the tube driver units. For $1500 you can
find a pair on Audiogon. You will never regret it. The Stax phones create an ambient space and it sounds like you are there. Avoid the magazine hype that the dynamic phones
can sound just as good-they can't. No, I'm not selling a pair, I'm just trying to save you a lot of trial and error.
Obviously, this thread produced many opinions. My response
about the Stax headphones was motivated by a desire to save you a lot of time, expense, and maybe some regret. Try any of the dynamic phones listed above before you listen to the Stax. Then hear the Stax, which have a unique
presentation. Then, YOU decide! Notice how many brands of headphones some responders name in their response. If they
were happy with any of them they would likely have stopped searching. Are there better headphones? Probably! I prefer
the AKG 1000 phones to any other dynamic phone. Try finding
a pair that is not selling above original price and is not sold by the time you see it. So, in conclusion, give some used Stax phones (particularly the higher end tube models)
before you buy or you may spend a lot of money for phones
that you will be hoping to replace soon.
I can't believe how long this thread continues. Lots of good information here. I doubt that someone who asks for
headphone advice on an Audiogon Forum is interested in DIY solutions. I only added my two cents about STAX as I have lived happily with them for over twenty years and never regretted it. STAX headphones don't have to be the only phones you try, just make sure they are on the list. Then
YOU decide.
Jax2- The Stax headphones I'm using today are the Lambda Signatures with an SRM-T1S driver unit. I'm sure that I'm
biased, but if anyone heard these they couldn't be happy
with anything less. They're that good! They truly sound
like you're listening through a window on the soundstage.