HDMI cable for I2S

I’ve got an old Oppo DV-970HD I’m using as a transport into my Musician Pegasus R2R DAC in my headphone rig. The Oppo has an HDMI out (that does output 2-channel PCM) and the Pegasus has an HDMI I2S input, so I was wondering if any HDMI Cable will work for this? I recall someone saying you need to check with the DAC manufacturer to see which pins are live, but just wanted to check here to see if I’m missing something or if this can even work. I’m thinking of getting a 0.5m DH Labs Silversonic HDMI 2.1, so would this cable possibly work for this? It’s marketed as a video cable so not sure if that means anything or if HDMI is the same for audio or video. Thanks for any help/insights.


Showing 4 responses by soix

The question should be, is the output from the OPPO truly I2S or standard HDMI?

The HDMI output is PCM, same as what comes out of the SPDIF output. So I’m thinking there’s not much value in using an HDMI cable or if the I2S input on the Pegasus would even recognize it.  Or, is the I2S PCM output the same as SPDIF and the difference is in the cable?

I2s is another transmission method

Yeah I know that. My question is if the the signal output for I2S via HDMI is different than that coming out of the SPDIF output?  I’m not sure if there’s a native signal difference or if the difference is all in the HDMI cable running into an I2S input. 

So, is an I2S signal different from a standard PCM signal?  I’m still not clear on this.