Having trouble reducing the vibrations on my turntable setup

I have a clearaudio master solution sitting on a IsoAccoustic Delos Stand. My issue is that if I gently tap the Delos butcher block I hear a thump through my speakers. Also the quiet portions of the LP grooves sound rumbly and a little noisy.
any advice is welcome. Thanks

Showing 1 response by bdp24

John at Townshend Audio advised I employ four Seismic Pods in all applications. Being accustomed to using three cones (first the Mod Squad Tip Toe, then the far superior BDR carbon fiber and Golden Sound DH ceramic cones) under everything, I went instead with three.

I discovered that three was generally fine for electronics, and in my case with the Sound Anchor loudspeaker stands bolted onto my 5’ tall planars (two in front, one in the rear, with the rear having twice the weight capacity rating of the two in front. Logical, right?). But for my turntables, four was much more stable than three. With three, the fairly-high mass plinths and platters tended to lean one way or the other; with four, as stable as can be. That might not be the case with low-mass tables.

The Pods aren’t cheap, but imo the only designs providing greater isolation are the much more expensive active platforms intended for use under microscopes, mentioned above by lewm. I've seen the Herzan in action, and if I had the dough I’d buy a dozen! The ingenious design element in the Pod (courtesy of Max Townshend) is the generally-misunderstood damping provided by the rubber sleeve and air release valve that are built around the inner spring. Watch the YouTube videos in which Max explains and demonstrates the design and effectiveness of his creation. Then all will be clear.