Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?

I want to know if you have been on a journey moving from a large full range speaker to a smaller one paired wit subs, maybe even four subs.

Maybe you moved away from the big speakers because you had too much bass or you got a better soundstage from the smaller speakers. Let me know what motivated you and if you think it’s better now.

My motivation for wanting to try smaller speakers.

I have the Tekton DI and until a month ago I was using a LM845P SET amp to drive them.

It only sounded good on simple jazz and vocals but on complex music everything was falling apart.

I am not playing loud but I think it was the low 2 ohm load in the midrange that made the LM break down.

I bought a used PS Audio BHK250 and pre and it was like getting new speakers. Never ever had it occurred to me that speaker and amp matching could have such a profound effect.

So I am enjoying my speakers now and listen to music I have avoided like the plague and enjoying it (:

But all of this got me thinking, what if I paired my LM845P with an easy to drive speaker and paired it with some subs?

Then the LM845 could do what it's best at, playing glorious midrange and the subs could play the bass.

So that's my motivation for trying smaller speakers.

I am also hoping that maybe I could get better and more even bass with 2 or 4 subs. Maybe a better soundstage because the small speakers have a very small baffle.

   First...I realize that some may see posts from MC as offensive I, however, do not. He has a wealth of experience and usually contributes in a constructive manner. His preferences are his own.
   From my previous post I mentioned the use of stand mounts with a sub(s) and added that bass management is also important. Stand mount speakers come with many features and in many price ranges. Some can rival the performance of some towers. The "deep" bass would probably elude most. That's where bass management comes in when using stand mounts with subs.
   A stand mount speaker is capable of delivering sound in a range of frequencies. The lower frequency (bass) of those speakers have a certain limit. Below that frequency is where the sub(s) come in. Relieving the frequencies below the capability of the mains makes the mains (stand mounts) better at delivering their best performance. Bass management can be achieved different ways...whether built into the amp, HT amps, DSP, active crossovers, and others. The best performance of stand mounts and subs must take this into account.
You may be able to use small amps on the main speakers with a sub woofer but only if the sub is powered and if it has a high pass filter to take energy out of the bottom of the main speakers.

But I always recall my friend George Bischoff(Melos electronics that were hundreds of tube triode watts) who believed that a good big one beats a good little one every time.
In my case, I was deciding between B&W 705 and 704 (KEF R3 is also in the mix).  BestBuy has them side by side, so I can compare.  I didn't notice any advantage from 705, however, the base quality from the 704 is quite obvious to me.  Driven by Hegel H120 with the right source, the 704 sound stage can be huge.  I doubt I will ever want a even bigger stage. 
From the physics side, bookshelf share one driver for mid and base.  Floor stander have a dedicated mid range.  I would guess a dedicated one will do the job easier and better than the double duty one.
What is with that mc guy and the Tekton love affair?
Few speakers really reach that magic full range level
Tekton…. Well their not on that list. Mine are…opps can I say that Lol 


is Diana Krall really 10’ tall ? Now that we know Leo Kottke is 5’ wide, it’s all starting to make sense…

Big baffle is an excellent mechanical averaging machine, just like a horn is an excellent multiplier…… think that thru.

The burr under saddle  is the BHK amp woke up the OP speakers…

Note - I have heard the subject Line Magnetic amp in my room on 87 db speakers. It did fantastic…because the full range speakers are DESIGNED w bespoke drivers….and a filter network designed to be an easy load…..