Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?

If yes, tell us about it. 

i want to meet wolfgarcia and tablejockey!
That's great tooblue!  I'm curious to hear others' stories--there must be more.  
I have met 3, living in the Houston area I run my adds welcoming in home demo and or p/u. The 1st was a member that came from Dallas to pick up a pair of B&W 802 speakers he just wanted to p/u and run but since they were hooked up he wound up staying and listening to music for 4 hours, he and his friend were really nice guys. The second was a local guy that elected to p/u at my home and we stay in touch and socialize still and the 3rd was a local guy p/uped a Wadia dac and later came back purchasing a headphone rig.