Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?

I think we have.  I have seen many discussion on audio forums and how nasty they can become when you have people disagreeing. Seems like there are a lot more know it alls now. I been in 20 years and I can still learn.  But I also know I know quite a bit. Like cables can enhance the sound and higher end well designed gear can truly be ear candy special.  Is this just on audio forums or the internet period. 


Showing 6 responses by asvjerry

Good evening/morning....and mho....the only one I have....

I chalk a lot of the day to day to the stresses of living in a growing population in towns, cities of nearly any notable size, and esp. the major metro areas.

We're exposed to the daily 'news cycle' of which I certainly don't have to list the horrors of ongoing conflicts, the heart-rending pathos of humans, the flora and fauna we share and send off into various oblivions, the trials/tribulations/the startling displays of outright greed and/or downright stupidity...

...and what's seems to be an utter lack of 'uncommon sense' and nominal civility.

It grinds at ones' soul, noticed or not....but, it does 'get to' us all.

We're all in this gene pool, and some swim better....some are happy just being able to tread at the surface...some just float, buoyant enough....

....and then there's those that aren't doing so well....at anything, in some cases...

Simplistic?  Perhaps....No simple answers, no matter how one approaches it...

I may not agree with nor share ones' viewpoint(s) on things of an audio nature, but I certainly will agree with you doing whatever boats your float.

As long as you will allow me mine, and my potential to ignore your sage advice. ;)

"If there be self-made hells, we all must live in them.  Mine may be no better nor worse than someone else's..."

Y'all Are 'pleasant company'....overall.  I try to give back what I read.

Not always on subject, tho'....'nature of the beast'...*g*

New Years' resolutions, anyone? 

Deep regards, Jerry

...and I’m going to be totally rude and inconsiderate, ignoring all the fine (and the not-so-much) discussion and dis’ing that has occurred since pg. 2, 12/10, 8:14pm to reply to:

@2psyop , and Yes, I agree with you as well. There isn’t ever an adequate excuse for rude and inconsiderate behaviors. But there ’they’ are....🤷‍♂️

One can dial back the millennia to the one-celled organisms that started this whole morass, when 2 competed for some bit of nutrient where the ’winner’ not only got the bit from the other and consumed its’ competition in some unconscious sort of spite....

There’s been an awful lot of it, wayyyy beyond the warp and weft of this dialog...


*sigh*....late to the...'party', as usual.... :(

@waytoomuchstuff "Expiration date"? *wry L*
...that just means you leave in the oven or pan, and call it 'Cajun'....always nice 'n crunchy.....😏

@tomic601 ....I like 'double-blind' barkeeps....The drinks get stronger (🤞) as the night gets shorter..... ;)

I like SOTA, really....just can't afford to play in the rarified airs.  Always had and have to dodge about in the clouds...*tsk*  But, I trust my ears, bad as they are of late.  So I expend the $ on SOTA-like aids. *s*

I trust that y'all trust yours.....If not:

Save Yourself; Stabbing Westward.  Play loud, please....

(No 'mic drop'.....they're too expensive if they're worth a >DELETE<....)

Don't over Shink Thit.

Have a better weakend, J

@tomic601 *5's*  ...and a simple admission as yours can make my day....Rually...

...and thanks for that....gets your 3 rounds if/when we IRL in some bright-ish future, which is still In Prog....

Any 'philes in this neuvo-niche 'stance-city' seem to prefer anonymity...I'm still on fence whether or no they're frightened by me or I'm just not... Gud 'Nuff.

 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😒😖😣!?  'k....*l*  No Macs, no SOTA Schitt, no tubes, no $10K+ TT, or the cables to 'perhaps' match....

Just f'n raw deterministic devotion to a goal....Mine.

I'd still like another pair of ears that don't belong to me to comment on how far out I am or not....🤷‍♂️

The body will be found rather quickly, but all in a good cause....


Pardon....having watched Leave The World Behind (despite the Macs' & all the lp's on the wall:  Speakers? What speakers....) and the comment of a Tesla owner 'bout the car scenes....("...just like my wife's driving....") ("Well, you know the car will find it's way home..."),,,in the local ABC store....*figures*L*

Anyway....if I can still draw a *L* from the assembled, it may allow enough to sneak an aside in....and hopefully....make some sort of sense to some....

It's a life.... 

@phd ....in my experience, there will generally be someone who decides to pick on one....or any group in existence...🤷‍♂️

Validity of the 'picker' to the 'pickee' varies the response....at least, to moi'.

I feel like a nut mostly, so it keeps the 'pickers' at bay...(Out to sea would be preferable, but results vary...) . ;)

"Prog. moral relativism"....*L*  That only used to kick in for me back in the 'singularity days' of my wasted youth.....(i.e.: single, not married....)....

When she seemed to about to agree to what may occur....

Morals?  Naaahhh...

Hallmark movies are just sanitized bodice rippers....and I'd need to drink through them...

Earlier, Ev 'n I watched Barbie, strange enough in its' own charming way...

Best line:  Heckled by some blue collars about her obvious 'charms', announces:

"I have no vagina."  (Ergo her own 'drinking problem'...*smirk*)

Tickets for Thurs evening: Poor Things. 

Looks like my kinda girl....;)