Have There Ever Been Fake Koetsu?

There are as few trusted grey market sellers like 2Juki. I have always wondered why he can sell a Koetsu at about 1/3 of what the US importer lists it at. Yes I understand the markup is pretty high for the US side, and that certainly accounts for all of it. 

This question is not about 2Juki, but rather a second hand Koetsu. There happens to be an attractively priced Jade Platinum on this site, and its from a long time member. It has caught my eye. 


But I do wonder if there are Koetsu out there floating around in the 2nd hand market that are not real...fakes. 

Any thoughts or experiences?


Showing 1 response by karl_desch

Agree with @mulveling.  His pics look like the photos from the Koetsu website as well. http://www.koetsuaudio.com/rebuild

My well used RSP is in Japan getting rebuilt at the moment.