Has this ever happened to you?

Has it ever happened to you that you sit down to listen to your system one day and just go “Wow!”, THIS is the sound I have been looking for?  I have recently been hyper focused on incremental improvements that I have been making, and was really just listening to “the sound” of new components or cables but not actually listening to the music.  Recently, I sat down to listen to music, and I am hearing exactly what I had hoped it should like in my listening room.  I am feeling something new for me in this hobby for really the first time - contentment.

Curious the hear about your experiences.


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I recently posted about the very large improvement I got with the Tesla powerwall installation. I was then told all I was looking for was "confirmation bias" as though the author was the only one able to distinguish valid improvement to my system.    I did play with speaker positioning parallel to wall after seeing the comments on one thread, but I had done that before with no improvements from before after. I only have a few degrees of toe in.

I did contact the manufacturer about positioning and they recommended trying the "tilt" of the speakers. They are dipole, 5' panels, so I tried 2, then 1.5, then 1 degree. At the 1 degree angle, I got new speakers. lyrics plain as day that I hadn't understood clearly before, imaging, and all the rest of improvements we all like to have.

I have had several of those moments lately where I feel that my system has elevated the sound.  It has definitely helped curb my urge to try yet another speaker upgrade.  I signed the contract today to get my house painted!