Has this ever happened to you?

Has it ever happened to you that you sit down to listen to your system one day and just go “Wow!”, THIS is the sound I have been looking for?  I have recently been hyper focused on incremental improvements that I have been making, and was really just listening to “the sound” of new components or cables but not actually listening to the music.  Recently, I sat down to listen to music, and I am hearing exactly what I had hoped it should like in my listening room.  I am feeling something new for me in this hobby for really the first time - contentment.

Curious the hear about your experiences.


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I experienced exactly this in the past, and yes, it didn't last. In recent years I've not experienced anything less than a fully immersive, pleasurable listening session, I both consistently admire the sound quality and become fully involved in the music.

Only when I have been away for a few,days and haven't played my system. When I return and play it .I say Wow,nice...

Timely post. Just recently I have reached this state of music satisfaction. For years, I was swapping this or upgrading that, and there was usually something about the sound that bothered me or seemed unbalanced. Audiogon and my friend, who is also in audio, have been super helpful in my journey. So much good info on here. @ghdprentice and many others’ advice appealed to me - discussing the music side of things and not just precise signal reproduction.

I am at a point where when I listen I get lost in the music. I don’t hear the system, just the music. Nothing is bothering me or needs to be changed. Just a nice balanced sound, a bit of an all-around system. I know there are systems that sound better, but it is nice to be happy where I am at for awhile. I also think I can get my system/room sounding better but am not in a rush right now.

My system is an Aurender N150 that feeds into a Benchmark DAC3, and then into a PS Audio BHK Preamp. I run two PS Audio BHK 250 amps that are vertically bi-amped to Focal Utopia Scala Evo speakers. All XLR, but not high end cables. With the exception of the DAC, it was all purchased used or on close-out sales to keep the costs down.