Has anyone used the new Innuos 2.0 Sense music app? Compared it to Roon?

I compared the two as I am a lifetime Roon customer.  I prefer the sound of the new Innuos Sense music app.  More natural and less electronic or digital sounding.  Not day and night, but better. My big issue is Innuos Sense does not seem to keep playing music, like Roon, when the album is complete.  Roon had a Radio switch that played artists similar to the artist as a continuous stream and I loved it.  Heard many new artists I loved this way.  
Anyone know if Innuos Sense has a similar setting? I can’t seem to find it. 

Showing 10 responses by charles1dad


It is quite remarkable that not only has Abbas remained alive and somewhat safe, but that he’s able to continue producing audio components!!! Obviously I realize I was taking a chance, but I’m glad that I did.



Your identification is accurate concerning his part selection. he does emphasize however that you have to properly mix and match these parts. For example he really likes the Blackgate capacitors and Audio Note non magnetic Tantalum resistors. But says too many of them can be counterproductive.

Bill, I know that you specifically will appreciate this. He believes in proper wire orientation. He says through listening,  wire does indeed sound better in a particular direction. He knows this is controversial (For some) but doesn’t care, he bases it on what he hears. This stuff takes time. Just another reason why it is a 3 month build commitment. I know that you would understand this approach.

He and Graham, the builder of your Tron Audio DAC share overlapping philosophical beliefs. BTW Bill, when Abbas utilizes transistors, he sonically prefers vintage Germanium over silicon.😊



BTW as a fellow wolverine, Go Blue!!!!

Looking forward to both college playoff games later today.



At the end of the day we are who we are.😊

You have a perfectionist streak that continues to push you ever further with exploratory zeal. There’s nothing wrong with that within reasonable boundaries (Which I believe you have).

Admittedly I’m not a perfectionist. I can be thoroughly content with merely the very good-exceptionally good range. Key to long term success/happiness with audio is knowing yourself.  I enjoy reading about your pursuits.



“This looks like a DAC from AbbasAudio….is this 3.2 Signature version?”

Yes , 3.2 but the SE model not the Signature. Abbas made five or six of the Signature versions. I’m not sure if he plans on any more. He uses special parts in his 3.2 SE, and even rarer parts in the Signature build. He said that the parts are difficult to acquire now.
I have a terrific CD transport awaiting the DAC arrival. Next step is getting the Audio streamer unit in place. One step at a time.😊




Here is an internal look  of my Just completed built DAC in Ukraine. Should have it in a couple of weeks.


Not saying the above set up is best. It is not. It is natural sounding, minimal boxes and reasonable money for the level of sound quality….excluding the cost of my particular dac.

Thanks for the example set up, you have a clear idea of what I’m seeking to do. Interesting you mentioned modem/router combo. I’ve been looking at high quality examples of those. Will connect with LAN cable to streamer then DAC.

I will aim for the best sound quality I can obtain through this simplified scenario. Just not interested in the alternative multiple box/cable routine. I’m confident I can acquire sound quality that will make me happy. @sns , Broadcom chip unit is preferable to an Intel. I’ll check that out.Thanks.


@antigrunge2 For those who care, the Taiko Extreme Thread on WBF explores this in endless and glory detail. Overloading a low power server with Roon is not the way to go. @charles1dad: +1

I have a friend who owns the Taiko Extreme and he’s absolutely thrilled with it. I trust his judgment and impressions without reservation.  So I am not questioning that proper high power CPU management can’t be successful. It is just that the low power CPU approach has considerable merit with regard to lowering noise.

I understand that there’s more than one way to skin a cat. However the Innuos (And I believe also Aurender) approach of lower CPU power/processing is very appealing and seems successful for them. Intuitively more logical to me.
