Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......


Showing 41 responses by amg56

@acaman The title of the thread was Core Power Technologies Deep Core and is still visible as a title but not accessible (at the end of all the threads discussion details).


I have my legal people on the trace. I won't be letting this go. They (my legals) will issuing a writ to AudioGon if the Core Power Technologies Deep Core thread is not restored for scrutiny.


Please red my post in the misc audio forum.

Summary, product is being produced and DC is all but in production. Legal recourse will only mess things up for those who are waiting for product. If you want a refund, contact Mark via PM.

That seems to be the way this is playing out. I really appreciate the post by @bg1968 which gives and overview on the development and position of Deep Core.

I know Mark saw so much promise in his products that he began selling vapourware, most likely to gather funds to complete it. Unfortunately it was all the products that became unavailable and I really do not know how many there are of us on his order books still waiting. I realise there were a few who managed to get refunds early on, but for the remainder, we just wait.

I tried calling Mark (from Australia) last Friday, but only managed to get his message service. I think one of the big problems here is the lack of communication from Mark. For those of us with a financial investment in CPT for goods as advertised, but still waiting, Mark has a BIG responsibility in communicating his position in all of this and he need to tell each of us when our promised products will be available.

I have asked Mark for a refund, but more out of frustration with what is happening (or not). Shortly thereafter I emailed to say I still would like to continue to wait for the products and hope they are going through some appropriate QA process. I hope Mark contacts us soon. A.

I have hear nothing from Mark or the interim group, despite numerous emails. I am still in holding pattern. Using fuel and not happy.

I am still waiting for a contact from the interim group who are supposed to be looking after Mark's business and customers prior to Kemper taking over.

No news is not so good news in this case.

I have sent 3 emails to cptstatus.com and 1 to Mark directly. I think the "phone" is off the hook and no-one is home. :( 



From what has, or has not transpired, it would seem that the notice signed off be Mark and Lynn, posted by Kemper is not all it appears to be.

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has been contacted by this mysterious "cptstatus@outlook.com" email address regarding their order/refund status.

From my perspective, this appears to be a blind post to take the heat away from CPT and Mark himself. I do not believe that there is a new offer/owner, nor do I believe that CPT et al are going to make good on business promises made in the past.

With this in mind, I intend to contact the equivalent of Australia's business complaints ombudsman (State Attorney’s Office on Consumer Protection?) to see what can be done to seek recompense or justice for what appears to be blatant fraudulent business behaviour by Mark Shifter.

I have repeatedly tried to contact this mysterious interim status group, which I believe now is bogus, emailed Mark as welcomed by Mark himself in his notice, and even tried to phone call him from Australia, all without success.

I would like to hear from anyone who may be able to assist in this matter so that "customers" like myself can seek some sort of representation or justice in this whole fraudulent saga.

Thanks, Adrian

Enter your text ...

All, As per @Tweak1 posted on the other involved thread, the advice is to leave this matter for 2 -3 weeks so due diligence for a company takeover to take place, if one happens at all.

It may sound like a stalling tactic, but I will comply for the moment. For all involved in the CPT mess, please read the other related thread.

Thanks, Adrian

@celander Have you heard and more on the CPTStatus progress? Everything seems to have stalled. There is no response from Mark or the transition team to any of my emails...

My 1800's were ready to ship back in March. "Lynn had personally overseen the build and pack" along with the SS I ordered. Ready to ship "Monday"! ...nothing. Still nothing today. A "same ol' same ol'" email came yesterday. Empty promises again. It is taking my legal team effort and my money to see a refund I paid, for 2 DCs, 2 E=C 1800s and 2 SS cables.

I'll have paid more for my legals than the refund, or product in the first place. If I had the E=C and SS products, I could have waited for the DCs. But all I got was empty promises. Trust, Faith and Honesty was all I could hope for. Even these were not enough.

@hifipassion I hope so. I really hope so. I want to put this sad saga behind me and chalk it up to experience. I wonder if I'll ever do business directly with an overseas party again. Who to trust even with due diligence.

I have a copy of all the complete CPT threads on file for my legal people to sift through. Every post from 18 months back to just before the moderators pulled them. Just in case I needed them, like now.

I am still waiting for my happy ending with USD$3,000 owing. I hope that my refund is still in the list.

On another note, you will remember my encouraging posts, which turned out to be off the ball given the most recent explanation. I am also waiting for my personal email explaining when all these financial transactions will take place.

Dan, Thank you for posting the email which clears up the happenings from your side. It doesn't exactly match the said actions from the other side, however.....

There has been a number of statements issued which have not been quite correct. I for one was caught out by a well put together website, engaging descriptions and 2D products. The one thing missing was the 3rd dimension called substance. They didn't exist.

CPT was like a black hole. The closer you got the more distorted things became and your money disappeared.

I wish I was closer to the action so I could set things right. But from 12,889 kilometres away (8,009 miles) if my calculations are correct, I am not able to conduct legal proceedings in a positive way.

I note that MS is selling what product he has, so I would assume that the funds gained should be going to those people on the refund list. I am assuming that the list goes from small to large. What ever happened to CPTStatus? I never heard from that person(s). Did they even exist?

I hope that all outstanding matters can be set straight as soon a possible and I for one am able to get my refund which will go on my medical bills which I needed to get a loan to cover.

This whole saga has not been one which will go down as a successful Aus/US trade interaction. I for one, cannot understand why my refund hasn't been transacted yet. It seems that products have been selling and income is made. Where is my money? Legally, and morally I should be right up there. I cannot even get a decent email sent that explains the process, or a timeframe. Not one from CPT, nor MS or CPTStatus.

I for one have been very positive and encouraging to Mark and his business. I have been very patient. I deserved an email. Nothing.

I hope Mark can sleep well at night. I was told Tuesday, the day a 3rd cancer was cut out, that is was aggressive. The last lesion was 23mm and it grew in 2 months. I might have to leave a note for my wife to email Mark for my refund instead. I am not feeling good, I am not feeling good about any of this.

Mark, and to all who have posted here and on other threads,

Mark, we have both communicated privately and I have appreciated all of your hardship.

To all who have contributed to all the CTP threads, it is not easy living "hand to mouth" week by week. I have appreciated the fact that Mark sank his worth into a couple of products that needed a bit more capital than he had to get them successfully into the market.

I have said the same before and will gladly repeat the fact, Mark tried but could not quite pull the business off.

Despite that, there are some legal and personal obligations that need to be sorted before this saga can finally be closed. Hell, if I had the money, I would have gladly given it, to ensure the product was out there!

I want the 1800's and DCs as advertised way back.. But to be honest, the shipping cost alone would burn my $3k.

To everyone, I have no hard feelings with Mark. Sure, things went off the rail and our communication might have been better. I don't know Mark, but I heard his voice once when I called his cell US from Aus. I left a message but didn't get a reply. But I could put a voice to my emails and to these posts. I could call Mark a friend if I knew him better.

I wish he and Lynn no ill or misfortune. I hope they can dig them selves out of the hole they are in. I know only too well what it feels like to be on the back foot.

Mark, I hope we can conclude our business and still communicate as people who can overcome this event.


I also await with keen interest who this mysterious buyer is. It will give me pleasure to know there is a future for the CPT products. Once I am over my present condition, I would gladly revisit the products which initially drew my attention.

@celander I will be sending my first letter this week. I started it last week and now am phrasing it correctly having had some down days to let the first iteration rest.

I will be interested in their reply.

@acaman  No not yet. Promises of end Sept.

@Celandar Thank you. I shall make representations and see where it takes me.

I have maintained that Deep Core will be a success if it can get to market asap as a reliable product in the form as it was designed to be. It will be unique in the market and would be a success.

It is a shame that CPT did not have the capital backing to see the DC through to the end. Instead, relying on customer deposits to keep the company (Shifters) alive.

Running the company with solid and good company practice would have helped, but this is an obvious statement...

There are a number of customers who are owed refunds or product. It would be interesting to know how many.

Most frustratingly is the lack of communication with Mark. He says he will contact everyone, and just does not follow through. You email him with a question, and there is no answer. This is his big failure.


Mark assured me he had 2 220/240vac 1800s ready to go. I am not at all certain of this or his stocks of 300s. DCs are a way off yet it would seem, as is the CPT company takeover. No confirmation there either.

Mark may respond better once legal proceedings are underway. I aim to get my refund willingly, or otherwise. I have not witnessed such a shabby affair as this in my life. If Mark doesn't want to be an honest businessman and make good my refund, as his word stated, then there are repercussions. This whole issue has been documented and has been passed on to the relevant authorities.

I was taught about honesty from a very young age. I was also taught about what happens otherwise.

@celander I did the same... Not being in the US makes it a bit less accessible.

Interesting. Mark was supposedly on a flight to LA on 17/10/18 to "make the deal". He even messaged me a copy of his(?) ticket. I think maybe it was screenshots of the booking website. Den -> LA 17/10, LA -> Den 21/10. So someone was tripping, or pretending to.

Haven't heard from him since, despite my asking. If he can afford flights to LA and back, where is my refund? Where is anyone's refund?

I have heard that to, and has a new email address as well. Last communique is that SIL Paul has been ill. If so I wish him well. I understand he has a long road to walk. I don't wish that ill on anyone.

Hopefully we might hear something from Mark soon.

Kemper Holt Wins Essence / XPC Summer Sweepstakes

We are so pleased to announce that well-known audiophile Kemper Holt has been selected as the winner of the Essence / XPC Summer 2018 Sweepstakes! He’s won the XPC P80AV-1100, a robust power conditioning AC Line Noise Filter / Voltage Regulator with Battery Back-up to protect his equipment during utility power failures, a retail value of $819. XPC is well known for its complete line of award winning power management products.

Good on you Kemper. (I did enter from Australia but knew I was out of the race anyway)

@rangers You did an amazing job reading right through this thread. There are 2 others which relate to the same identity and are longer, but have been pulled. Unfortunately, there is always someone who will betray the trust of honest people.

I too hope for an appropriate outcome.

Wig, (and Ozzy),

Will the mods you did for the 1200 transfer to the 1800? I would be using mine in a 240Vac/50Hz environment. With the standard US outlets in place, I will need to source some US power cords. I am investigating whether I can source Australian outlets as replacements. Then there is the compliance issue. i have had a 12 month battle with all of this. I have the 1800 but in US format...  not as paid AUS compliant.


Thanks Ozzy. I think CPT products, irrelevant of quality and function, have been tainted with the company issues over the past 12 months.

I think the 1800 needed more refinement to make it a really good product, as you and wig have proven with your own refinements. With both your permission, I will follow your lead and study each refinement  and see if I can adapt one or the other design improvements for use here.

Cheers guys. AG

Well I think this will be my last post referring to the CPT issues which have left a number of customers of the now defunct CPT company short.

Walter has kindly, and very generously sent 2 EQ=CORE 1800's that I had on order. Considering CPT folded with outstanding orders due, I think this was the best outcome of a bad deal. The 2 1800s didn't come to the value of my payment, but I have to be happy that I got anything at all.

My original order was to have the 1800's and Deep Cores converted for use in Australia. That didn't happen, so I will be doing these myself.

I hope that all the others that contributed here and were left with outstanding orders, had them filled, or deferred until the Deep Core product is a reality.

Good luck to all of you for the future. No doubt we shall be crossing paths in other forum topics. My good wife and I are "downsizing" to a flat level house with no steps to fall down. When I have my system back up and running, I'll post it (them) on the virtual forum. 

Cheers, Adrian

Ok, that was my second last post.

I was reflecting over what I had posted and wanted to say further. This whole sordid affair has taught me a good lesson. Do NOT believe every thing you read. Especially over the internet where any rubbish can be stated on a valid web site, and in my case I did not exert due diligence. Although I went into a purchase of what was supposed to be cutting edge equipment, I did so with blinkers and made an expensive mistake.

I will never purchase from less than reputable, "household" names in the audio industry again. My transaction could have been with anyone spruiking the latest high quality audio gadget and having the right words to suck people in. I know I wasn't the only person tainted. I was never aware of this person's past. Something I found out after I first found A'Gon. I was suckered, pure and simple. Never again. I am now forewarned and forearmed.

From my strident, and at times emotional exchanges with Walter, I will say that the gentleman is as good as his word. As far as what I received from this transaction, I am far less than happy. But I am grateful that I received anything at all. Thank you Walter. You took on transactions from the other side and made good. I got something. I can't use it yet but it's better than nothing.

I lost some money out of this. but I am grateful that I learned early on in this affair to be careful. As it was, the builder we had selected for our new house went belly up at the stage where we would have made our second payment. We would have lost $250k. Just like that!

Lesson? Don't believe everything you read. There ARE snake oil sales people out there ready for your cash. If you are paying money, pay buy Paypay or some other means to recoup your loss. Never pay bank transfer! Seek all other information about the product, company and owner by whatever means. Never fully trust the salesperson. They are after your money first up, and as much as they can fleece you for. Look before you leap. Go through the purchase reasoning several times. Make sure it makes sense and you can back track if needed.

I really wanted the best for my system. I forgot nearly all of the above. Had I followed my "wisdom", I would have a different system and money in my pocket. "Silly me", is all I can say in summary. Lesson learnt.

All the best. AG.

Hi Celander, I have appreciated your help along the way. Cheers. Adrian

Hey Geoff, Agreed.

@chazzzy007 I transferred USD$3000 to Mark for2xSS cables, 2x1800 and 2xDCs as deposit. I was to pay USD$1500 to complete the order.

I got 2x1800s and 2xcables from Walter, but I will need to convert all  the sockets to Aus. compliance (which I was assured was to be part of the deal).

Yes I lost some dollars, the 1800s were to cost $1200ea and the DCs, $800ea, but at least I did get something from the debacle. what did I lose? About USD$600 plus my fixing the supplied 1800 for AUS compliance.

@celander thanks for the tit-bit. Nice to hear you describe production versions of the products many had issues with. Walter made good. I hope he does well.