Has anyone tried KT150s in their ARC Ref 110?

Hi all,

Was wondering if any ARC Ref 110 owners have tried the KT150 output tubes in their Ref 110. Seems like ARC is testing out the KT150 in the current production amps and while officially not yet sanctioned, they seemed to have tacitly ok'ed the trial of the KT150 in Ref 75 and Ref 150 amps from various user comments on different forums.

I would be interested in hearing if anyone has tried this output tube in their Ref 110. If yes, at what bias? Any sonic impressions compared to either the 6550s or KT120s would be very much appreciated. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Take what offline? Are we getting TESTY? I did misspell "enough" which is bad. My bad...bad bad bad...