Has anyone tried HD radio?

If so, how is it? Is there a "high end" model?

Showing 1 response by warnerwh

HD radio is a farse. It is compressed to mp3 or lower levels. Just like HDTV they are splitting up the bandwidth to offer more programming=more money!

I've done alot of research on the subject and IBOC is in trouble. Stations across america have switched to their equipment but there's little hardware for it. Then you have the problem that most people were happy with the radio they were already getting and don't want to spend any money on another radio for their car or homes.

I've heard of a couple of stations offering decent fidelity. A quality NPR station broadcasting in analog but not compressing is still superior. We have proof here in Portland with KMHD, a jazz station, that the digital signal has been a waste of time. For those of us who enjoy and want high fidelity it we have decent antenna's and tuners. My quality here rivals most cd's. When a record is playing it sounds like the turntable is in my system. I certainly don't want to compromise with their digital broadcasts which are being broken down into multiple broadcasts.

In other words, HD radio is not HD. It could be but when you can broadcast four stations on the same bandwidth and increase your bottom line why would you want to offer one high quality station?