Has anyone seen this...?


I'm just surprised by the set-up...

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

"Today's lesson is very Important, remember...?.."

"Bullwinkle is a..."

"NOT THAT Lesson....This Lesson!"

-Being a reviewer isn't the Nivana one might expect.
-Not feeling so bad about the 'mess' I live with....noooo....
-One is left with the impression that all of them are single men.
-Their neighbors are all deaf.
-All of the freight services personnel draw straws to see who has to   deliver/pick up to/from from them.
-Wondering where they sleep...or even sit down. (I didn't see a   chair....too stunned to notice...)

Thanks for the links..*L*  No wonder the reviews all seem to sound alike after awhile....

"How many headphones can one man have, before they call him insane?"
(To the tune of "Blowin' In The Wind")

Unique Hipish Mess...."I Know I've got that LP/CD Somewhere....?!"

"Hi-End Hoarding".  "He developed a severe allergy to cardboard...It was Awful to see the body enveloped in foam 'peanuts'.  The worst case of static the EMT's had ever encountered.  It took hours just to find what was left of him....Sad...*sigh*..."

Audio Addiction:
Be afraid.....Be Very Afraid.