Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.

Showing 4 responses by atmasphere

Roger, do you have a means of measuring this phenomena?

I had to create a device that was dead quiet and begins tracking at 0.07 nano volts. The quantum reference thread used to detect velocity has an extremely high Z. (90+ gig). The velocity control system is driven directly from this process which squeezes the signal [gauge] into a virtual plasma. The plasma is also high Z. The thread is then combined with the signal at the plasma level to ensure impedance matching.The signal is suspended this way so the auto focus circuitry can fully dominate the signal velocity while preventing it from "touching" the surrounding template and support circuitry. This keeps contamination out of the signal.

The velocity control system is a twin running shift generator (red shift - blue shift) which is held to a servo neutral point under tremendous pressure.
Once detected, extremely tiny amounts of signal velocity are met with a counter measure (injected into the plasma) of greater than 700 db in real time.
700db? I’m sure you must realize how improbable this statement is, so I’m sure this is a typo. What did you really mean?

800db?? Lesse... 700 db is 10 to the 35th power or so... 800 db is 10 to the 40th power. Obviously the statement is ridiculous.

No wonder you don't have a means of measurement.

Now the problem here of course if that you have a circuit that can do the process, but no means of measurement, as nothing exists that can deal with numbers that small. Imagine a voltage that is 0. followed with 39 zeros after the dot before we see any significant digits and we see right away that no instrumentation anywhere in the world is that sensitive.

I hope the contradiction is obvious and not lost on anyone?

Occam's Razor says there is a much simpler explanation.

Roger, it might be that you have build some equipment that sounds good, and that being the case there is no reason to concoct these stories. Just let the qualities of the gear stand on its own. Other people's testimony is always far better than that of the manufacturer! OTOH, when you make comments like this, credibility suffers (to say the least) when read by people that went to school. The more you try to explain it, the deeper the hole you have dug yourself into.

atmasphere, since I started this thread making exactly your main point, namely let this amp prove itself, as it has with all the first adopters, you are the point who is digging a hole for yourself, as you have no credence in discussing how it works. I think Roger is telling critics like you far too much. I personally have no use for EEs as that field has greatly regimented positions that we know everything. The best amp and preamps are not by EEs. Mainly those well versed by the US military training in electronics dominate the innovators.
I was just trying give some advice, which is based on experience. Its clear that Roger is new at this. If what he is saying is true, the problem he is up against is if he talks about it, the only ones that will believe him are those that have no education. That is how the industry is. Its a rapid way to being discredited!

So you might want to think about that, since you obviously misinterpreted my post. I'm one of the first to admit that I don't know everything, and I too am offended by 'audio engineers' that claim that everything is known about audio when it clearly is not. If you care to look into it, you will find that I make this point fairly often in that one of the areas that we know very little about is how the human ear/brain system works. And because we don't know much about how it works, we don't really design equipment that takes advantage of those rules. This is a reason why you can't look at a spec sheet and sort out how the equipment sounds- the only way to do that is by audition.

I've had nothing to do with the military in my career. I really feel like you made up some stories about me and then posted as if those stories were true.

Roger, I think its in your best interests to avoid much in the way of explanation of what you are up to- seriously. I've already said why.

Now the problem here of course if that you have a circuit that can do the process, but no means of measurement, as nothing exists that can deal with numbers that small.

With all due respect - it is not my problem.

When you say things like this in response to my comment (wherein it can be seem that if you have the circuit, you must therefore also have the means of measurement, duh), it appears disingenuous. If you are going to make the claims that you have, this **is** clearly your problem- as Carl Sagan said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". In this case you are denying its even your problem and further, your comment about tube distortion is really a red herring (IOW its not an explanation and has nothing to do with it; its pretty well known that tubes are some of the most linear devices known to man, just as a FWIW...). So take a friendly bit of advice, and this is not saying anything about whether your technology works (which is irrelevant, what really matters is the result, which you seem to be getting):
Do yourself a favor, and don't talk about stuff like this! As soon as the word 'quantum' come up in audio, most rational individuals will know immediately to turn around and run as fast as they can.