Has anyone heard the Magico Mini?

I am very curious to hear the Magico Mini. It is getting great press in many areas and I am wandering if anyone has heard them. How do they compare to the Wilson Watt 8's or the Kharma's or the new Sonus Faber Guarneri's etc.
If I am not mistaken, they are priced about the same as the Watt/Pup 8's and more the Guarneri or Kharma 3.2.
MAGICO MINI 2 still sound wonderful eveytime i upgrade somthing they keep sounding better.
Looks like the Magico Mini has been discontinued...No longer on Magico's web page.
The C-1,though,also,a bit dark sounding(remember the room was totally surrounded with curtains)really impressed me.A superb two way design!Very dynamic,and a superb soundstage.
Still,I cannot see anyone not loving the Mini demo,at the show.I stayed when they were playing analog master tapes.Fabulous,but we each have our own priorities,which is how it should be.

Yeah, the lack of any treatment in the Mini room gives me consideration to want to demo them in a better environment... Hopefully, I will find some time eventually. All the other rooms mentioned, except the Lamm and Mini room, at least had high frequency absorption via curtains. The reason I'm not completely forgiving of the Mini setup though, is because some rooms like the Lamm room and Scaena room, which weren't treated at all either, still managed to sound excellent despite it all. Then there were rooms with treatment that I didn't feel sounded very good despite the effort put into treating the environment...
Jkalman,yes you are right.I forgot the BAT room.Sorry!
That room seemed a bit dark sounding to me,but that is just personal taste.I moved around the LAMM/WP demo room alot.I LOVED the Ella/Louis sound(actually "music")that the little LAMM 2.1's convey with the WP's.The 2.1 is STILL one of the finest amps I have ever experienced,regardless of topology.GOD I love that amp(don't own one,btw,just my personal observations)!!
The C-1,though,also,a bit dark sounding(remember the room was totally surrounded with curtains)really impressed me.A superb two way design!Very dynamic,and a superb soundstage.
Still,I cannot see anyone not loving the Mini demo,at the show.I stayed when they were playing analog master tapes.Fabulous,but we each have our own priorities,which is how it should be.
Also,remember the Wilson WP-8 at HE 2007 was in a MUCH bigger room!!That can make or break the sound(not to mention the incredible Lamm 2.1 driving them).Also,at the back of the Wilson/Lamm room the WP's were WAY too bass heavy.No surprise from that seating position though.

The Wilson/BAT room was either smaller or around the same size as the Mini room. That is the room I was referring to... IMO the LAMM room didn't sound as good as the BAT room (I got to experience it in the seat that had the tape-mark "x" under it), but still better sounding to me than the Mini room. I liked the Dynaudio C1 room better than the Mini room as well.
The Mini at my pal's home does not sound bright at all.We were very careful about set up.It really sounds wonderful,and at HE 2007 I liked it alot.My friend is getting better performance than the show demo,actually.
Also,remember the Wilson WP-8 at HE 2007 was in a MUCH bigger room!!That can make or break the sound(not to mention the incredible Lamm 2.1 driving them).Also,at the back of the Wilson/Lamm room the WP's were WAY too bass heavy.No surprise from that seating position though.
I truly like the Magico speaker,and it is a fine design.I am also probably getting a bit carried away with the price criticism,but I get the feeling the review community(TAS's JV)is helping to vault the price,by not cautioning this,and going on and on(as always)about it's "fabulosity"!My only bone of contention is the price is getting just too high for a stand mount two way design.Suddenly the superb Kharma 3.2(don't let anyone kid you,this is a fabulous speaker)does not look so expensive,and the Verity Parsifal Ovation is looking like a "steal"!....Sorry....and I'm sure to get slammed for my "opinion".
Now for some performance observations compared to my Avalon Ascent MK-II's(which cannot be torn away from me regardless of market hype).This will surely stoke some flames,but it is how I hear it,and some experienced audio friends too,I am sure...
My Magico Mini friend has an almost identical set-up as me,except speaker, and obviously room.As stated the Mini to me is a wonderful design,and goes full range in his room,with superb neutrality.It really does almost anyone can want,within reason.The new bass/mid driver is slightly dark/warm sounding,so you could technically call this a minor coloration.That's being really picky.I like it,as it is currently voiced!
We always compare notes about performance,and in truth,the Ascents(though an older design,but a WAY over built design)is "just" as neutral(as in color free)and has a touch more openness in the upper midrange,due to the superb mid driver employeed(a two inch aluminum/magnesium design).The Ascent "with todays best electronics",is strikingly similar to the Mini,and I am sure some remembering it will disagree,but the electronics of that time,and line conditioners etc were nowhere near as good as the stuff of today.The Ascent really stands the test of time.IT WAS a three way design though,and is "absolutely" as coherent as the Mini,and actually images better.
The tonal balance is very similar,except that the Ascent has a slightly better upper mid airyness,due to the superb small mid driver.
We compared multiple LP's,like "Bang Baroom and Harp",The Decca pressing of "Prince of The Pagodas",Mercury's "Black Maskers",Ricky Lee Jones' "Pop Pop",and the Pendrecki "Cto For Harpsichord".Amongst others.
The Mini fans will definitely protest(why,really,as it is a great speaker)and some remembering the Ascent(with the inferior electronics,and ancillaries of the day)may go ballistic too,but if anyone sees an Avalon Ascent used...Jump on it!It IS a true classic,and can be had for about five to six thousand US dollars.They show up rarely though.Now you know why!

I liked the Watt Puppy 8s (and 7s even) over the Minis. The Minis were too bright and edgy sounding in the high frequencies for me. I would love to hear the Minis in a well treated room to see if it makes a large difference.

You would think an acoustical engineer (someone who designs speakers) would know enough about room reflections to at least hang some curtains. It makes me worried about other possible oversights that could be made in the speaker design itself, though I am likely just being overly paranoid.

I heard both speakers at HE2007 and felt the W/P8 was simply in another league in comparison to the Magico Mini, so I bought a pair. I'll give the Minis another chance if I ever get an opportunity to waste a day at Sound by Singer (as long as they use some kind of adequate room treatments). I'm not optimistic though, since Sound by Singer won't allow a home demo if I decide to possibly take it to the next level, which would make the whole ordeal sort of pointless for me at this time.
My only point,as I really like the Minis,was hobbyists are looking at an economy car "per channel"!This is TOO much,for a stand mounted two way design.I don't care about excuses/costs,and know it is very well made.It is over priced at thirty grand.I could live with a mid twenties price.The speaker IS a wonderful product,yet the NEW pricing can NEVER be rationalized(to me) other than flat out selfishness.!
We see this from certain companies,at times.The product gets a following,with the aid of an over the top review/reviewer,and the mfgr goes overboard.
There are plenty of competitors who are a bit more responsible,here.I hope "they" get the sales so deserving of "responsible" pricing.
Trust me,as I too am a mfgr,I am aware of the expense it must take to make a Mini pair,but there is NO way thirty grand is NOT overt.Sorry.
Yes, at CES last year and I thought they sounded better than their bigger 3's. If you can live with the total look with the stands and wires coming down from the speakers, they are wonderful.

My (bias) the W/P *'s sound a little better (IMHO) and can sound and look better in rooms you have live in every day.

Use your own ears and go what you looking for, enjoy the music.
Sirspeedy, count yourself lucky that they are not $200K or more, there is no reason that I can see that they couldn't be priced at that.
Just wanted to give my latest thoughts.My friend owning the Mini II's just added the Harmonic Resonators to his listening room.A definite improvement.The speakers really are amazing and in his 12x20 ft room and there is no sense that a sub is needed....YET....
Sadly I believe the speaker has gone up to 30,000 US dollars.Though I would consider purchasing the speaker in the future,this price is becomming "questionably" high!!I will be extra careful about possible competitors NOW!
I am aware of the US dollar being low,but the design is supposedly an American made product(I know some parts are from Europe),and I think this reflects a bit of overt pricing,even with increases in parts costs.I HAVE to state this,as it seems the review community could "care less" about potential consumers,as long as the performance envelope is superb.The ongoing blog on TAS web pages does not seem to be too concerned,though the contributing TAS reviewer,who admitted that Alon Wolf was a "friend" does not seem to be to worried,and hasn't so much as hinted about prices getting...well err "dumb",at this point!It didn't use to be this way!!There was a time when "concerned" reviewers were responsible enough to state "enough".The HP of the 1970-1980's-1990's surely would have,IMO!!
Of course I am simply "emoting",but I predict there will be a considerable number of fabulous "two way" competitors all vying for Magico's market share,with the cavelier pricing of this new Mini.I think Magico's good times may not last too long,as products from Ridge Street Audio,AAD,and Volent(amongst others)will impact the "approaching over-pricey" market share Magico seems to temporarily own.Guaranteed,companies like JM Labs/Focal will bring out an even better version of the Mini Be design "they" already market.Not to mention Sonus Faber Guarneiri Momento,Dynaudio C-1(fabulous,IMO)etc.
I'm sorry for my angst,but I obviously like this Magico,and would want to consider this,at some future point,yet though I can afford the new pricing,there comes a point where I say "NO"!....Getting close!!

Alon Wolf told me at CES that the change of woofer is further improving the sound of the mini: much stiffer membrane= lower resonance (I was said the new mini goes ~3dB lower)and less distortion
I was said also at CES that price has been set at $26k
I am an owner of the minis. I extremely pleased with my purchase. I am in the process of upgrading to monoblock amps to realize their fullest potential. Will the mini 2 upgrade be significant with regard to the bass response and overall performance? Has a price been set other than "22%"?
The Magico Mini's have a boxless sound, of a "whole cloth" that portrays musical instruments in full size and shape do in no small part to they're "uber" bracing and construction
To use the phrase...there's just more there THERE!
Being now 4+ yrs. old they are about to receive an "upgrade" to both speakers and crossover to the tune of a 22% increase in price, not to mention round trip shipping!
Are they worth it? A long and serious listen is needed to decide if all YOUR musical parameteres are being met.
Owning these and two Torus's i can tell you that the "infrasonic generators" {read subs } work best on full orchestra and chamber music as well as solo voice with accomp. music.
Hope this helps'''
I heard the Mini's without the Torus subs very briefly..most of the time the Toruis subs were hooked up, so I would not want to comment much on the difference, but I wold imagine that with the right music and in the right room the mini's by themselves would be just fine!
I have listened to Magico Minis 2 weeks ago, with Audio Aero Prestige SACD player directly connected to Krell EVO-402, with Transparent Reference cables. Very impressed with minis performance. What a resolution, tonal neutrality and soundstage which can directly be compared to the best available floorstanders. Of course that quality has a price to pay, unfortunately, however one should not consider minis as just bookshelf mini monitors but a real speaker with huge musicality. Definitely recommended for deep pockets.
Hay, do not kid yourself. Rowland had what must have been some of the worst sound at the show. I felt sorry for him. It was a very sad room and I am not surprise it did not get mention in any report. I can only assume he was splitting the cost of the room with the speaker guy. As for Mr Wolf contentment level, I can assure you, it is very low and nothing is ever good enough for him. Thank god! But seriously, when I asked him about that he pointed out the fact that although, only recently discovered by the US media, the Minis are 4 years old. He felt that the mini will benefit as well from the advancement Magico had made in driver technology since then. Judging by the sound of the V3, I can only eagerly anticipate the upgrade.
Hmm, apparently Mr Wolf himself thinks that the Mini is not good enough and came up with a Version 2 :)

Funny also Jeff Rowland did not go with the Minis at CES.
Hi musicality17.
My room is a very odd shape. It's very long. Close to 40 ft long. I used the Cardas setup as guidelines to place the speakers. I think they work reasonably well for my room.

And to Daveyf a,d Dan_haan,
No need to turn this into an ugly discussion. davefy, i am with Dan_haan though. I didn't want to doubt you, but Magico has a very well controlled distributorship, and the chance for you to get a home trial is close to zero, anywhere on the planet, not just the US. While I did not do the due diligence like Dan_haan did, it is easier to believe in Dan_haan then to believe that some "fellow 'phile" brought over his pair of Mini for you to try. Did you take a photo while they were in your room? Did your "fellow 'phile" also find the G to sound better in your room? It is only fair to comment on speakers we have really listened to.
Dan, Just so you know, I am a little upset at your innuendo, the Mini's were brought over to me by a fellow 'phile, believe it or not, your problem.
I never said they were dealer leant, you did! However,my dealer is local to me and had no problem with the idea when I asked him about this.In fact he has been always very accomodating. Why are you so very touchy about this, perhaps you are a little upset that your dealer did not give you the same courtesy. Are you not entitled to a home audition when spending that kind of money?
Wslam & Davef. Thanks for your quick responses.

Wslam, your suggestion to try the long side is valid, but that may not be an option given the layout of the room. What is the length of your room? And what is the distances between the Minis with the rear and side walls?

Daveyf, this is going too far. I gave you a simple way out of this but you insist voicing your opinion on the Mini. A speaker that you most likely never seen or heard. It was clear from your comments that you did not have the speakers in your room. Just to be sure, I called all US dealers today, which BTW, were open, to ask about their loaning policy. Since I bought my pair in the US I was surprise to hear from you that you audition a pair in your house. I did not get that privilege when I bought mine. All 3 dealers, did I mention they were open today, assured me that the MAGICO’s have not been loaned to anyone. In fact, I even called MAGICO and talked to Mr. Wolf confirming that as far as he knows, none of the dealers lone these out. He also told me that if the Minis would be audition in such a way, he would most likely know about it. He to did not “hear of a guy with G’s” auditioning the Minis. This is a small community Daveyf and bluntly lying like that is uncalled for. I suggest that you get off this post and give us all a break. If and when you get a chance, you should go and listen to the MM. But it will have to be in a dealer demo room. Hope you can deal with that.
musicality17, my room is very small...10'X11', the only saving grace is that it has a 15' vault ceiling.
The Mini's in this room did not overpower the room, however, they were not a great match either.
I suspect the width of your room will be a problem, unless you listen in the near field. The G's are a much better match in my room, although I think none of these room sizes is desirable.
BTW, Wsalm, my dealer here in the US is currently closed and when he re-opens, I will ask his ok to disclose him to you. I presume that your dealer in Hong Kong would not let you home audition. IMHO, if you are contemplating a purchase of this sort of money, then a home audition is a must if at all possible. If the dealer balks, but has the product available, I really do not think that says much for them, and I would personally look elsewhere.
hi musicality17,
my room is about 13ft wide. 11.5 should work, of course you could always try the long side approach. you are right, they do put out a LOT of energy.
Davef & Wslam, can you please tell me the dimensions of your rooms? I am considering the Magico Mini - my room is 11.5 feet wide, 17.4 feet long and 10.3 feet height. I got feedback that my room is too small (or too narrow, to be precise) as the Minis put out a lot of energy.

Wslam, I have seen pictures of your room - it looks similar to mine. So, if the Minis sounded good, then that is useful for me.

Davef, can you pls tell me which dealer loaned you a pair of Mini for home trial?
sirspeedy, I too greatly admire Jeff Rowland. Which is one of the reasons I own his model 8. In some of my other threads, I talk about the difference between the choke power supply version and the later mono-power supply version. The consistancy that all my 'phile friends and I have heard is a better portrayal of depth with the choke. I have not tried the transimpedance mod, but I have been told it is the best mod for this amp. I know Jeff likes the Mini's, I also think they are a very good speaker, but with my system and in my room, the G's were better.( Maybe the Rowland/CAT/SFG match is a factor) You might have your friend seek out some G's so that he can do the same AB as I did.In a small room, he may come to the same conclusion and save a lot of money in the process.
I have heard the G's and thought "what great stand mounted monitors"!Great looking too.I am infatuated with the Magico's,though,and am trying to influence a friend(who has a small room,and is leaning to Parsifal Ovations)to consider them,based on what I have been told by someone I greatly admire.....Jeff Rowland!I had an intimate conversation with him,last summer.He was doing some "custom" work on my two chassis 8T amp(fabulous job,btw),when I asked him "what speakers do you currently like".His response(in almost exact wording)was..."I currently own,and love,two pairs of Magico Mini's.I LOVE to see the look ,on the faces of listeners,who are unfamiliar with them.They cannot believe the dynamics,and soundstage these things throw"!!
That was enough for me!!

But that was the point I am trying to make. It is indeed your prerogative to like whatever you whishes. You may like the G’s better but it is not because the mini’s are inferior. There is nothing in the “real world” that will indicate it is the case and support your conclusion. I can tell you that IMHO, the mini’s are as smooth and pleasant as anything I ever heard. How is that going to advance the discussion? But if I show you that they are smoother, more extended, lower in coloration and much more linear, then maybe you will have better tools to make better judgments. If then you still prefer the G’s, so be it. Nothing wrong with that.
Davef, I too am interested to know which dealer allows home demo of the Magico Mini!? That is a major operation! The dealer who did that for you needs to be commended.

I agree with Dan, that the 16k 'noise' seen in the waterfall is likely the result of the breakup mode of the Esotar. Yes, we all use our ears to listen, but when we need to 'discuss', it will be pointless to simply be descriptive (just look at how much hyperboles professional reviewers resort to). Some scientific measurements do help. HiFi is a science. The art belongs to the musicians, not us...we simply plug and play.
Does price range have anything to do with ability?
Why did you dealer not let you listen to the Mini's in your system?
My statement wasn't in sarcasm or trying to be sarcastic...:0), the price difference is a fact. Your opinion is as valid as mine, in my room, the Mini's were simply inferior to the G's, that's IMHO.
I just get the wazoo xl, and hook it with the dynaudio 1,3mk2 with marrant s15 cd player. the mid and trebl is so good, it drive the mid like tube soud, but the bass feel not so enough.the mid bass is ok but the deep bass not clear.
As I stated before, I rather not argue with people hearing statements. Your sarcasm comment on the price undermined your impression even more. I can see, based on your associated equipment, that the MM are not in the price range of your other equipment and that you have just purchase your G’s. Yes, it would be heard to keep an open mind… Anyway, I can only point out the facts and they are pretty clear in this argument. If you look at the cumulative spectral-decay plot of the G’s you will notice a lot of “noise” around 16K. That is most likely due to the Esotar low, by today standard, breakup mode. Maybe that is what you hear as “naturally extended”. Yes, the mini may require careful attention in the set-up. They should also, in a small room, be listened at slightly off-axis. I can only say that there is nothing “tangible” in the G’s that is of the caliber of the Mini. BTW, when I shopped for my mini, I could not get any dealer to loan them to me…
We are talking about two "superb" speakers.Both are beautifully made,and sound wonderful!Different priorities(room/other equipment voicings)will dictate one's choices.As a person(me)who allowed myself to be foolish,and instigate negative feelings,to a fellow hobbyist,a while ago(a real quality contributor,who deserved praise,instead of my own goading),don't fall into a pissing match.Believe me.Nothing good can come out of it,and we will all be the "poorer",for it.
Dan, I'm sure if you look at the graphs for the tweets you could conclude that the Mini's tweet is more extended than the Esotar. I for one always like to use my own ears, and rely less on stats. If you look at the way digital measures, you would never even listen to analog. As you can see I stated'more naturally extended'. This is the way that I and others hear the extension of the G's vs. the Mini's. Unfortunately, I think that you may have fallen into the trap that so many 'philes fall into.That being the belief that because something is new, it must therefore be better. The Mini's were hard and edgy in my room and on various pieces of equipment that we tried them with that day. Many other speakers in the same room have not exhibited this trait.
As Wslam said he has heard this trait also, and I am wandering if it is room dependant or if perhaps the speaker exhibits this trait.
In one area I do agree however, the Minis are in a different league as far as price goes.
Sirspeedy, Thank you for your kind words. I hope you get to listen to them soon! When setup correctly, they will impress you.

Daveyf and Dan,
It is indeed a little curious to say that the G has more naturally extended highs then the Mini. The tweeter on the Mini are very extended indeed. I HAVE heard the Mini sounding roll off in ONE room. But that was an odd room, and no other speakers were able to be more 'extended' anyway.

But like Dan said, we can't argue with your experience. But I cannot imagine the G topping out the Mini in ANY aspect except that the G are definitely warmer (colored) sounding in general. They also sound a lot slower very relaxing indeed. Don't take me wrong, I love the G. They are great speakers. But they are simply not in the same league as the Magico Mini.
"More naturally extended in the highs"?? Have a look at http://stereophile.com/standloudspeakers/487/index5.html
And then look at http://www.magico.net/magico.pdf. How is it more extended if the G's tweeter drops more then an octave below the minis tweeter? The G's Dynaudio's Esotar tweeter was old news 10 years ago. I can not arguer with what you hear (Or think you do) but look at the facts. If the minis were harsh in your room, it is simply because they were telling you how your room and its associate equipment sounds.
Wslam, an interesting post. In my room, which is a small room, comparing the Mini's to the G's, I prefered the G's.All of my 'phile friends agreed; why, because the G's were more naturally extended in the highs and were able to portray depth in a more realistic manner. The Mini's are very good, but in a very small room like mine, tend to be a little hard and edgy. I have heard this from several others who have more experience with the Mini's than I do and who have listened in a larger room. The build/quality/finish of the two products is very much subjective to opinion. IMHO, the Mini's are not in the same league in this area, kind of like comparing a Ferrari to a Hummer. No question the Hummer is way better off-road ;0)
Wslam,a wonderful,thoughtful,post.Sensible conclusions,about performance,and a sealed design advantage,too.I have NO doubts that the Mini performs as to your description.I hope they show this at the Stereophile Show,in NY,in May.
I am a little late to the discussion, but would still like to add my 2 cents.

Much of the discussion so far surround the Mini and the SF Guarneri.

I currently own and use the Mini, and I used to own the Guarneri. (the original)

To compare the Guarneri to the Magico Mini, imho, is not very appropriate. Of course they are both fine loudspeakers, but they are based on completely different design goals. I have also owned the SF Amati, so I am quite familiar with the SF approach. The Magico Mini is imo, a level, if not two, above the Guarneri. Yes, the Guarneri can be more 'relaxing', but whatever characters or adjectives one manages to use to describe the Guarneri sound, it is because SF designs their speakers after a *certain* sound. I have spoken with Mr. Alon Wolf. His approach is very much different from SF. AW prefers to designs his speakers from a scientific angle... just like if you feed an amplifier a square wave, the resulting signal should also be a square wave. So the Magico Mini are designed to be hi fidelity transducer that attempts to convert the electrical signal into a mechanical motion -> acoustic energy.

The G has a sound. In the long run, every CD you play through the G will have the G characteristic. The Magico Mini is imo much more successful as a transducer to deliver what the signal truly are with very very low distortion and little to no 'coloring' (the room will become the biggest variable).

The resolving power, the lightning fast transients attack (start and stop), the tuneful and VERY extended bass from the sealed enclosure are truly steps above any SF model.

Also, the build quality, I should mention... I used to think SF are gorgeous, but they are nowhere close to the way Magico constructs their speakers. What you see on the Mini is the actual stacked plywood pattern with no veneer masking what is underneath. The woodwork quality, plus the aluminum CNC work are all top notch.

These are not speakers that you will be impressed with with casual listenings. Speakers like the WP8 (pretty yucky to me) can often grab someone's attention by their exaggerated midbass. The Magico Mini, on the other hand, are so linear, so distortion free, they could take some time to use to. It took me only 10 mins to realize how good they are. But if you have been 'suffering' from poorly ported design for years, the linear, extended and tuneful bass from the Mini could really take some getting used to. But trust me, once you get used to it, there's no going back.
you say you heard the Mini with a pair of Torus: can you elaborate on the difference with the mini alone? does it justify the 19k additional investment?
My question was: how did you get the impression that the MM are hard to drive? They are not. They MM are not very efficient but they are easier to driver then many other world class speakers. I am using the CAT JL2 to drive the MM as loud as I will ever need two. I also heard them with the darTZeel, the ARC 210 and the Pass 150.5. All of these amps are under 200W and had no problems running the MM.
Magico Mini are the 2nd best monitors i'v heard.
The best are the Sonus Faber Extremas.
The Extremas were incredible sounding.
And how did you get the impression that I said "ANYTHING" will sound better on the big ARC? All I said was that the big ARC will make many other speakers sound good too.

Btw, what amps are you using with your MM now?

Merry Christmas,

And how did you get that impression? Anything will sound better on the big ARC. It is a very good amplifier. JV entire review was done on the 210’s. That is a very real, somewhat modest power rating. I drive the MM with smaller amps as well. The MM is actually a lot easier to drive then the watt and quite a few others.
Hmm... I think many other speakers will sound great if not better with a pair of ARC 610 on tap :)

The irony is that we have a bookshelf here that's so hard to drive and needs amps bigger than themselves to shine.
Stereotaipei - I heard them with a pair of Wilson Benesch Torus. Amps were the Audio Research Ref 210 first, and then the Ref 610. They sounde great with the 210,and awesome with the 610 after they warmed up (took a couple of hours for those to get to peak performance). However...I'd love to listen to them with my Tact W210 subs, which are also extremely fast and a lot less $$ than the Torus...
Wow, there are quite a lot of differences in opinions expressed here. I heard them two years ago at CES/THE SHOW. Under those conditions, I thought they were among the best sounding speakers at both shows. What they had that I particularly liked was a very lively and clear sound -- somewhat like the sound of high efficiency speakers (i.e., horn and single driver speakers) in that respect, but much better balanced tonally than most high efficiency speakers. I think that is a very important quality that is particularly hard to find in modern speakers. Most speakers sound boring and constipated to me -- they lack the ability to deliver small dynamic changes realistically.

I took note of an unfavorable comment from someone who heard it with Thor amplification. I have not heard the combination, but, I've heard Thor equipment with a number of tube friendly speakers and I did not like the sound of their amps or linestage on ANY speaker I heard. The amp sounded very brittle, edgy, and lean (similar in sound, to Audio Research gear). With a speaker, like the Mini, which is NOT fat and warm, I can see how the combination would not be ideal.
I can not imagine why anyone will pair the Magico’s with a Thor amp. It is simply a bad match since the Thor does not have the power and the control the Mini needs. I have been a fan of SF for many years and owned a few different models over the years. I do prefer them to the Kharmas. I have a pair of Guarneri’s, which I now use in my office. As nice as they are, they do not hold a candle to the MM. Much colored and dark sounding in comparison. Not to mention the size of image, soundstageing and dynamics. I would never consider putting the G’s in my big room; they simply would not do the job. The MM are in a completely different league then anything SF has been doing. Including, IMO, the big Strad’s, which I replaced with the MM. The Minis are playing in my main system for more then a year now, and I can not imaging what you would hear on the G’s that you would prefer. I can’t argue with the G’s look, they are beautiful. But I think it is easily seen how much more substantial the MM are in comparison. Try hearing them again driven properly. I do not think you will be disappointed.