Has anyone heard the 47 labs Shigaraki DAC?

I have read two favorable reviews on the Shigaraki DAC. I am glad to see a company attempting to make the most out of the standard CD format. While the other formats fight it out.

Showing 4 responses by kforton

I heard the full Shigaraki system last night. I still have vivid memories of the experience. I have owned about 50 pieces of hi-fi in the last 4 years; nothing prepared me for the sound of this system for the money. I have heard better systems, but they were either very expensive tubes or the more expensive line of 47 Labs gear. For $4500 you get a transport, DAC, and integrated amplifier with three inputs. It is stupid good for the money. I have heard $40,000 systems that did not approach the true musicality of this system. Put the system on a Symposium Svelte Shelf, add some good power cords, and cable the whole thing with 47 Labs' OTA cable kit, and you have a very serious perfectionist system. The 18 watt amp drove Quad ESL-57's--using the tiniest speaker cable I have ever seen--with more authority than I have heard any speaker driven. And for those who say that Quads have no bass, they must be deaf. I am not sure I would want to own the DAC in a different system. 47 works hard to give their systems synergy, and that comes through loud and clear with the Shigaraki system. Soon there will bea Shig phono section too. Can't wait to hear it.
I responded back in June that I had heard the full Shigaraki system. Finally, after waiting several months for the equipment to come in, I own the full system sans phono section (which I will buy later). It is superlative. Everything just sounds so real. I think it has something to do with the Symposium Svelte Shelves I use, as well. They really improve on all of the strengths of 47 equipment. I also plan on adding Essential Sound Products power cords. They are quite dynamic and do not act as tone controls, like several of the more popular brands out there. I have the whole system hooked up with 47 Labs's OTA kit. I have heard the difference made by stripping the wire and coating it with some insulating paint (a cheap tweak); it was unbelievable. I mean truly night and day. Complete voodoo--except that it works and comes directly from Yoshi, the American distributor. I just need to get some better speakers. I have Proac 1S right now, and I am considering the Essence or entry-level Duevels. We'll see what my budget and my room can handle.
This is more than a tweak; it dramatically changes the sound for the better. I don't understand how it works, but it certainly does. Yoshi recommends painting the wire with enamel, but the enamel has a tendency to crack off leaving the wire exposed. Also, you need to paint the wire a few times. The Canadian 47 distributor recommends acrylic paint in yellow or another easily visible color so that you can touch it up on a second coat. I heard a very nice system including the Shig digital gear and the Essence speakers with this "tweak." It was shocking. And we changed only one length of cable: the single run from the transport to the dac. With the stock wire, I noticed a sort of closed in top end and a little distortion in the highs. We changed the one cable, and it cleared right up. I couldn't believe it myself. I am going to do it myself once I get my act together. Good luck.
Wire strippers. It's a tedious and dangerous job. It's a good thing 47 gives you 50 meters in the kit! As long as you make a clean cut through the insulation it comes off with just a little coaxing.