Has anyone heard Fink Team KIM speakers?

I auditioned a pair of Fink Team KIM mini-monitors a few weeks ago and I'm curious if anyone else has heard of them. 
That's a very interesting design though I wouldn't call that a mini-monitor! Very insensitive though what amp was driving them? And did you like them?
@jond I liked them a lot. Ample air and space in the soundstage and excellent separation from the speakers. Atmospheric is how I would describe them. They were powered by an Aavik i580 class D integrated amp. Source was a Linn Klimax streamer. The whole package sounded superb and I'm wondering how much the room factored into it. It was untreated but had a brick wall on one side, opened up to a high loft on the other with a very high ceiling, maybe 20 ft., and a grand piano in between the speakers. The Kims sounded so good I'm surprised I haven't come across them in the press or forums. 
There have been some rave (press) reviews of the Kim. I am waiting to audition a pair, and recently auditioned a close competitor, the Marten Parker Duo.

Here are links to a couple of the Kim reviews:



@whipsaw please post your thoughts after your audition. These reviews seem to confirm my impressions. I'm curious to see if you have a similar opinion of them.