Has anyone ever used "stacked" Heresy's

I've seen a few references to people doing this, and am wondering if others have had experiences. I t looks like buying an extra pair might be a fun alternative to a sub.

Showing 2 responses by mechans

I have used the Heresies in stacked combinations with other speakers, but have always thought they would stack nicely themselves. Right now I have them tweeter side down on top my LaScalas in my rock and rip it system. The Heresies add definition even though they are not as efficient. I personally don't like sub woofer, boomy, woofy, chuffy, woozy bass, so I don't think the defined bass they provide is a bad thing. If you want bigger bass get the belles or La Scalas or fortes. But you need a good strong power amp to control those big woofers,despite the popular assumption, that the efficiency doesn't require it. Stack em D'appollito style thats what I hope to do, let me know how it turns out. Before I do it myself. If your using it as a rock loud music system a small tube amp doesn't seem to do the trick. For acoustical music a single pair should work but they may not be the best choice, It sounds like you want big sound therefore I assume you want a loud system. The power amp that is working for me at the moment is an old Audio research d100b which I occasionally swap with other vintage period pieces like Sansui which lets you roll off the top end so they aren't shrill at volume. Let me know what your power is I am looking for suggestions.

I had my Heresy on my LaScalas in the MTM configuration for a while.

One thing that isn't getting a lot coverage here is the  different and potential sound shaping, after market crossovers which you can typically find on Ebay. Some of these have gotten so successful  the makers are now building entire Klipsch like speakers (the bigger ones).  Do a search for Klipsch crossover and I bet you'll find him, and the other crossovers makers around.  

I still think you need a lot more power than it appears, because the squawker gets loud first and you think hey the volume is up, what's more power going to do.  It is loud  but the woofers just don't get going without some juice.

Finally, get your hands on an old McIntosh power amp, even the smallest old SS model MC 2505-  I think, mine is  in storage.  It has only 50 W per but each channel has a gain knob so you don't need a pre. The McIntosh house sound works great with Klipsch.  I won't say why because a lot of people get their hackles up over it (OK -I will tell you why,  they they tend to be warm imho)