Has anyone ever cried listening to your system

I have had quite a few people listen to my system and most are not moved. In fact a few said they liked their Bose set-up better. Well last week I had a buddy in town from Vegas and we listened to records all evening. When I put Eva Cassidy songbird on he starting weeping. Tears were coming down and I asked him if he was alright. He said he was so moved by the recording that he couldn't help crying.
Personally this has never happened to me. I wonder if other members have had the same experience.

Showing 5 responses by cyclonicman

Actually, no one has shed a tear yet, but frequently my wife does have a strong emotional response to the music. Just last night she screamed from the bedroom to lower the volume so she can hear the television. Women!!
Just the other night I thought I was going to cry while listening to "Countdown to extinction" and I was not quite prepared for this type of musical experience! Can someone recommend which tissues are best to use when wiping one's tears. I was gravitating towards Kleenex but was advised to use Scott, which supposedly is better with a tubed equipment.
I would like to speak on behalf of all of us "comedians". It's all in fun and I don't think any harm was meant by anyone. When I listen to music, I am emotionally involved, it renews me on a spiritual level, but I guess, I just don't understand the crying thing. I listen to rock, jazz, classical, and blues, but have never come close to crying. When listening, I am usually smiling, totally involved, and do not want to be disturbed by anyone or anything. I guess I could see how one might cry while listening to Opera or something sad. Different strokes for different folks!
Nietzchelover, I would venture to say that most people on the planet have a greater emotional response to visual rather than auditory stimulus. I am one of the comedians and I have no problem stating that I have either shed a tear or held them back during an emnotional response to a movie. For me those emotional responses are linked to the human situation, such as love, forgiveness, sacrifice. That just doesn't happen when it comes to music, at least not for me!