Has anybody tried Qobuz Streaming service?

Hi and thanks for reading!

Has anybody tried Qobuz and compared it to TIDAL? I read that Qobuz streams 24/196 files which may be higher than even TIDAL Master quality?? If you have made the switch to Qobuz, was it easy to integrate into your streaming system?

I look forward to hearing from people who have tried Qobuz and either loved it or disliked it compared to TIDAL.


Showing 1 response by lc

Hi three_easy_payments,

I’m using the Netgear R9000 but is having intermittent playback when streaming 24/192 songs from Qobuz US.  I tried to disconnect all other devices (except my iPhone which controls the streamer) connected to my WiFi router but still having the same problem.  Already verified that it’s not my streamer or the Ethernet cables (CAT 6).  Can you please share your experience with Netgear?  Would be grateful if you could shed some light.