Hard Audio - Ceramic Speakers

Hi Gang,
One thing I think about both as a listener and speaker builder is ceramic drivers, such as the famous Accutons. I'm talking true ceramics, not sandwiches here. I'll include here hard diamond drivers as well, not vapor deposited diamond dust.

Some of what I've seen is super impressive in terms of specifications, and design far beyond merely the dome materials.

I've never ever been moved though. For whatever reason, every ceramic speaker I've heard sounded cold, clinical, pure without power.

What are your experiences? Have you heard ceramic speakers that made you really feel you had experienced something great?
@shadorne Aren’t planar and electrostatic drivers also technically "ringing" due to the fact that the driver’s have to absorb all of the transient energy without a voice coil? Planar/electrostatic drivers all tend to have much worse impulse response than a good dynamic driver as it keeps moving for a while after the initial transient. Would you say the ringing/excessive decay in those types of driver’s are just much more benign than the internal ringing of a hard ceramic/metal driver?
The old accuton midrange C90-6-079 used in a lot of commercial offerings sure conveys a cold and dry sound especially when playing violins.  The newer C90-6-724 delivers a marked improvement right out of the box.  Requires a slight attenuation if you are swapping out a 079. 
Also the 10khz peak (at least they admit it) needs a notch filter to mitigate. But overall musicality and transparency without the old “splashy” sounds as some have opined makes it a worthwhile investment. 
I bought  XTZ Devine Delta speakers. They have MTM configuration. All 3 drivers are accuton ceramic drivers. They sound as clean and real as electrostatic speakers without all the drawbacks. In comparison, I demoed 5000$ Dynaudio , 8000$ B & W And 8000$ Sonus Fabers. Only Sonus Fabre came close in sound quality. I am not an audiophile or a musician. The way I judge a speaker is I like to close my eyes and be able to fool myself that the singer or musician is there with me.
If anybody wants to listen to them in person, I can arrange a demo for you. I live in Las Vegas.
Martens are a great example of well done ceramic drivers, with Accuton drivers they are very nuetral ,that is why the Cover parts are crucial. They use Mundorf Silver Gold oil caps which are better then most out there.
   My used Avalon Acoustics Eidolons snatched me off the audio merry-go-round just in time to enjoy retirement. I'm guessing its the whole package not just the drivers.
   It turns out most of the electronics that were to solve my dissatisfaction actually worked very nicely through the Eidolons.