Half the information on CDs is analogue

I would like to argue that one of the reasons that some transports sound significantly better than others is because much of the information on a given CD is actually analogue (analog) information.
An excellent transport does not just read digital information: 1s and 0s (offs and ons); it must be sensitive enough to pick up the other information that has been stored as a physical property of the CD medium. This 'physical' information, like the tiny bumps in the groove of a vinyl record, is analogue information.

Before I say more I'd like to hear what others think.

Showing 1 response by mechans

The pits only serve to provide digital iformation which requires translation. The reason for integral or external DACs is to translate the digital (not analog) to analog otherwise you couldn't get anything from the pits. If you mean analog is defined as something physical with a surface that provides information in a digital format. Then OK I guess? but that is not what analog means to virtually everyone else.