Grounded Speaker Cable

Hi, all. I'm considering the purchase of speaker cable that has a ground wire which attaches to a nearby outlet. What's the deal with this? Does a grounded speaker cable really improve the sound significantly? Thanks.


Read all 200 pages .put some science behind audio equipment and very informative on published reference.  Very helpful.

User @nutty has these speaker cables. He has both the SP12s and the SP14s and he said he likes the 14s much better. Maybe he'll chime in here.

The 14s are also better in their inductance measurements according to Cap. If you like the 12s, the 14s are just sweeter sounding. The new interconnects are also worth considering. I really think Cap has knocked it out of the park with these new cables - maybe he could send you a pair to demo

@cd45123 ... Given my research on this issue and now having spoken to a couple of electricians, I’m gonna pass on the SP14s. I think there is the potential for real problems with this ground wire, and I’m not convinced that there will be any material difference in sound quality to justify making the change. The SP12s sound really great in my system, so if it ain’t broke, I'm not gonna fix it.