Green Mountain Sub??

Is anyone familiar with GMA subwoofers? They are referenced on GMA's semi-temporary site, and a new model is also mentioned. Does anyone know what Roy may have cooking? Or has anyone heard an older model? I emailed him, but I would say he has his hands full this time of year. In any case, I'm just curious.
Thanks, Jb3

Showing 1 response by rhljazz

I have one sitting in a closet now for a couple or years. I currently don't own an amp to drive it. It's your basic sub with a 12 inch driver in an MDF box about 16x16 with a large aero port on the side and finished in a pebble black paint. As I recall, the MDF panels are fairly thick. The external crossover Roy sold was made by Energy. I don't recall the model. Bass response in my room is problematic and in the end I found better low end response with a pair of Nautilus 802's vs the Diamantes and the sub. I still use the Diamantes but not the sub. Maybe, I'll find a suitable amp again and give it another try.