Great Value in Used Phono Preamp’s?

Hey, Folks!I am looking to increase the quality of my phono stage. For many years, I have been using a Bottlehead Seduction that I assembled myself. It’s been great, but  having spent some time with a borrowed, integrated amp with a really wonderful phono stage built-in, I think I’m ready to upgrade.What would you be looking for, used, in the $500 range in a used phono preamp? Thanks in advance!

Showing 5 responses by rebbi

 Right now there’s a guy selling one of those right here. He wants $929 for a unit with leaking capacitors and a rusty transformer! 😬
I am definitely going to be on the lookout for one of those Graham Slee units!
What a great thread this has turned into! Thanks to all of you for your help!

 Also, any love here for the Musical Surroundings Phenomena phono stages? I’ve heard they’re good. Thanks. 
@russbutton Thanks a lot for that. I've never heard of those guys. I love building kits. My previous amp was an Audio Note Kits "Kit 1" 300B SET, and my current phono pre is a Bottlehead Seduction. The Bottlehead "Eros," their new flagship phono stage, runs $750. Audio Note Kits has a line of great looking phono stages, but prices start at around $2000 (although they're running a 20% off sale right now). So, yeah, I've thought of building another kit. :-)