great deals on jazz and blues

I'm very excited about a great deal I found yesterday at Border's Books and Music. It occurred to me that an ongoing thread on great music deals might be beneficial to everyone. I'm hoping that as people find other deals they will continue to add to this thread.

Borders is carrying a series of double albums under the "Collectables Jazz Classics" banner. For $10.99 each I picked up the following four sets: 1. Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers -- A Night in Tunisia and Play Lerner and Loewe, 2. Benny Goodman -- Trio Quartet Quintet and Together Again, 3. Keith Jarrett-- El Juicia (The Judgement) and Life Between the Exit Signs, 4. Dave Brubeck -- Truth is Fallen and Two Generations of Brubeck "Bother, The Great Spirit Made us All". The audio quality on these is good to very good. There is a wide selection; I just picked up these four.

I hope someone will find this useful and will add to the thread if they find a good deal.
I agree. They are not superb but much better than many I've heard and I would not rate them as "cheap" recordings. Very listenable and good bang for the buck -- note that, though these are two album sets, they are typically on one CD. Cheers.
They sound good for non-audiophile recordings, I have heard better but I have also heard a lot worse. What I guess I am saying is they sound good enough that as long as you aren't anal about your recordings you can critically listen to them enjoyably, and they are VERY well suited for ambient tunes.
I saw those last week, but I wasn't sure how well they were mastered (their were no technical remarks on the outside of the package). So they sound good, eh?
Yes thank you, when boarders offers good deals on music take advantage of it, great selection(in fact the best up in my area) albeit they are usually pricey. I picked up the new Ken Burns Jazz disk there for 8.99 a great deal!