Great, affordable 720p pj...suggestion?

My old faithful infocus 4805 is having some issues after about 2000hrs over the last couple of years. I know this is not much hrs/time but I have this dark/shadow like area on the right side of screen that takes up approx 8 inches of the screen side. Not too distracting in most scenes but you know's a dinosaur and it has to go. So...what's the skinny on a great/cost effective 720p projector and from what dealer preferably online to save most? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by mnnc

I like that epson 720...hhmmm. For a pinch more I could bump up to an optima hd20 and have 1080p. Honestly, I want best for buck as I was happy w/ 480p at 10ft away from 90in cheap screen. I am looking for reliability as well. Any better pic and I'll be all giddy as it's the audio that I focus on in most movies rather than video but a nice picture is a bonus.