Graphene in fuses and cost

Synergistic research is using a  technology thst is finally cost effective in their fuses very little is used and see the pricing       Synergistic with all the hype and Millions of dc Tesla volts 
$150 for s fuse is well over $100+ profit for someone. Hopefully the competition will start using 
In the mean time the Hifi tuning Supreme are a big step up over stock fuses for s fraction of the Synergistic cost. The price should have been no higher ,maybe lower .
But Synergistic is built on Hype and  half truths built up information PT Barnum would be proud  !!
The link prove the cost it has come way down and Graphene prices are dropping  as more
People  are now using Grapine from Semiconductors to capacitors  now fuses and  many other 
Things . Nicola Tesla would be totally pissed off his vision of free electricity now using his Tesla 
Coil as a selling tool .  Be a smart buyer  !!

Showing 7 responses by audioman58

My link was removed ,but if you look up Graphine  many  are now selling even in small quantities. Just do a search ..graphene was 
Discovered decades ago in the U.K  only recently has it been cost effective to produce. This is why using Graphene is No longer expensive ,and to charge Big $$ is not being truthfull for a product 
Added to metal to enhance its conductivity. These should be under $100 Tops. It is your money.
Graphene has to  be adhered to something in the electrical element 
Since it is a product of Carbon ribbon . 

Electricity flows very quickly through the simple honeycomb sheet. Most conductors we encounter are metals, yet graphene is based on carbon, a nonmetal. This allows for the development of electricity to flow under conditions where we might not want a metal. What conditions would those be? We are only just beginning to answer that question!


Graphene conducts so much electricity in so small a space that it may be used to develop miniaturized super fast computers and transistors. These devices should require a minuscule amount of power to support them.

Graphene is flexible, strong and transparent, too.

It is not expensive to implement . But on these Audio pages it is totally magnified
It's uses are valued, but not the cost. If you want to   give up $150 per fuse go for it it is your money . Myself will wait until next year .others will be following suit in several areas even in circuit boards semiconductors,capacitors . I just dislike a lot of the BS to make a buck. How about charging less and making more $$ in Volume ?
Thst would make 10x more sense and far more people would be willing to 
Try it. That makes much more sense to most Audiophiles .
Nonoise thanks for the heads up Graphene prices have come Ways down in the last 2 years with many companies now realizing the potential .
someone should let Synergistic know for a 1 inch fuse there just is not much of anything being used here but hype and promotions.  Hopefully the competition like hifi tuning will get on board for well under $100 then  at least it will be within reason . Look at Audio magic almost $200 each.  I will look st the Graphene 
carbon interconnects at least there you can see there is something substantial 
you spent your money on .  Synergistic wants $1,000s for their Graphene interconnects ,that is just plain pure greed ,Period !!
I gave dealt with synergistic on several levels. The owner thinks 
He us above everyone and 150 for a fuse is a Huge ripoff on many level there is no way this fuses cost more then $40  at most  and that is being generous . I did not think the black fuses were thst much better then the Hifi tuning Supreme fuses in my system .
A smart company would charge less sells 4x as much and bring in many new customers. This is exactly what the Chinese did as a business model in the UK when living there.  I just hate being
Excessively charged. I am in no rush I will wait until they sells them for $25% off ,or buy 2 get 1 free like they did for the Black fuses this past summer. Nothing more to be said here.
When mentioning so what if it us a Huge profit for the seller if it is a good product.  As I mentioned earlier since Sin  ergistic has made tons of money on many questionable things such as which myself and others had to spend an additional $400 for a wall wart upgrade on active shielding yo make it should at its bedt whrn in fact it should have come stock this way roughly another $15 in better resistive capacitive board . This is why since the fuses are do dnsll and cost effective the prices without question should be under $100 to give back to all the loyal Audiophiles who have spent their 
Hard earned money . Make less profit ,but allow many X the number of buyers to afford them ,as well as new customers. 
That is good business practice . Just think about this for a moment.  This is why myself and Many others will just  wait as with all new items and trends as with their Black fuses they will have a 25% off, or buy 2 get 1 free   as was done recently. Many systems have at least 10 fuses . Going up 25% in price  is not  trying to make a Tweak goid value in fact it should have gone down 25% .My friend is a dealer in Europe and he spoke with a ex engineer for Hifi tuning he stated once in production profits are 3-4X Mark up per fuse .
Noe add on your 25% Mark up for marketing build up . Graphene is Not thst expensive at all the pricing has dropped Drastically over the last 2 years since it is becoming  common place in msny audio applications. For a change  show some appreciation  and Give the Audiophile a break  !!
Sometimes it is not just the money aspect of it but like most Audiophiles 
Justifying the cost. Or just  a matter of principle when I feel as Many Audiophiles do Adding 25% to a new fuse cost from previius model, when it already has at minimum 4x + mark up Built into the cost.   If you are looking at this from a sellers stand point Then  nothing more to be said. 
One thing I would like you see from Synergistic .The Tesla coil was developed by the great genius of Nicola Tesla which by the way wanted electricity affordable to all at low monies, and universally . The FBI stole all his potential future products and blackballed by the rich including Edison which stole intellectual properties. 
My point  is  Synergistic makes manyclaims or boasts of Millions of D.C. Volts 
and benifits .not one thing to back this up . Let's see several independent tests 
and the % of improvement s.   sonicly myself and other have found even the black fusesnot always better. I have found in my preamp theHifi tuning supreme 
were better balanced ,the black Synergistic darker. In my amp the Synergistic were a bit better. After 150 hours. Not everything is etched in stone.  I may buy a few of these fuses but not until I find a dealer who will give at least 15% off 2 or more fuses.  There are always dealers willing to do business. In this day and age 
only  a desperate buyer would pay full retail  for Anything.