Grail T5 Speakers

Two recent issues of Stereophile featured large ads for these previously unknown speakers. I responded to the first ad and received a download "book" explaining why the speakers were so great. A number of emails to someone identifying themselves as JV Grail ensued. He had a complicated sales pitch asking me to buy the speakers and host demonstrations in my home for which I would be credited to the point that the speakers would be free. That was just red flag #1. Others followed, including no identification of the company's locale, only a Facebook site that featured zero customer input or reviews. The emails developed an unpleasant almost scolding tone, especially when I did agree to be a demonstrator and did not respond to his offer to take my money and invest it in Bitcoin! He suggested that these remarkable opportunities were a "no brainer." At last word, he was working on a second round of speakers, yet no customer reviews were ever posted. I contacted Stereophile and they terminated the ads, but not before a second one appeared in the next edition. This had all the hallmarks of a scam. Does anyone have further information or did anyone ever receive a pair of the speakers?

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This would force you into crossing to the tweeter lower down which is not good for tweeter durability or headroom. Is there a trick here I am not seeing?
You could cut a hole on the front to fit a midwoofer in there. It would need to be a small driver as the front is narrow. Its not a big job.
Hi grailloudspeakers, I love your design particularly opposing the woofers like you did. But the woofers are going to become directional at some point creating a null right in front of the speaker. This would force you into crossing to the tweeter lower down which is not good for tweeter durability or headroom. Is there a trick here I am not seeing?

Some people are difficult for a very intelligent person to deal with. I find it best to avoid them before I start pulling my hair out. It is what I hired my office manager do to and she is one tuff cookie:)
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I think it's fairly obvious that the OP was not the "problem" with ML. Had that been the case, ML may not have taken appropriate steps to correct the situation to the OP's satisfaction. Treating customers well and respectfully is important if a company wishes to continue in business. Based upon what appears to be one or more disrespectful comebacks in this thread by the manufacturer, I wonder about its level of customer service should a "problem" arise with the product after purchase. 
VJ, I have every email between us. I asked if paying via check was ok, and you agreed. You were going to send to me the information regarding where to send the check. You never did, but you did assure me the speakers were in production, and that you weren't worried about the deposit. I will be happy to post our entire conversation here. 

First of all, why are my posts being deleted? This is obviously not a fair forum. Secondly... let me rephrase this as polite as I can...when a potential customer starts off our communication saying “it’s been a rough road with “Martin Logan” I say to myself... how can Martin Logan a multi-million dollar speaker company not be able to remedy a problem after 5 attempts over 5 years? It tells me, it’s not ML... it’s the customer. That doesn’t sound like the type of customer I want to sell speakers to. Sorry. And my gut reaction was correct... you didn’t even have a pair of speakers yet and you were complaining to a magazine. So you’re one of those types that like to complain. It’s OK. But you will never own a pair of my speakers. Let’s just leave it at that. Please do not report this post either. You can’t expect to start a fist fight and not get punched back. You don’t want to be offended? Then keep your fingers from starting strings like this. 
JV, Your comments imply that I badmouthed Martin Logan and their speakers. Permit me to make my opinion of Martin Logan perfectly clear. First of all, reporting 5 repair/replacement events during a five year period was not "slanderous," just a simple statement of the unfortunate facts. Apparently, Martin Logan never considered me to be the problem as they provided repairs and replacements under their warranty for the Vistas. To their great credit, they paid for everything, including shipping from the West Coast. They even sent me a new grill when one was damaged during shipping and they very kindly replaced the base of one speaker that I had chipped at some point. Once again, at their cost. Furthermore, they extended my warranty. Their service to me was conscientiously professional and always courteous. I think highly of their electrostatic speakers and have for many years, as long ago I was an owner of the original Aerius. I am pleased that their new line is getting such fine reviews and would consider a pair as a future upgrade. I think I clearly explained in my original post why I contacted Stereophile, a treasured journal that you call "a stereo rag." While your anger, abusive attitude and fact twisting remain a total mystery, I think it should be of serious concern to my Audiogon friends. Frankly, in over 53 years of involvement with a wide variety of stereo equipment, music events and audiophile dealers, I have never encountered anyone like you. To concentrate on the positive, my advice to you is go build the best speaker you can and let the chips fall where they may; however, most importantly, immediately employ an honest, professional audio representative who is capable of proper, polite communication, timely and correct information and customer support/service.
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Sorry Craig. I don’t remember you. A bit harsh? Yet his slanderous and reckless post was not? OK. And to call Stereophile? That’s real mature. And for the record, I don’t owe it to him or you or to anyone to reveal confidential information regarding who I did design work for. I’m selling Grails... not past design projects. I didn’t even need to reveal that I’ve been in hi-end audio since 1994. You said you were asking me when your speakers would ship? So you ordered a pair? I don’t have a deposit for anyone named Craig. I’m confused... one minute you say you were going to order a pair and now you said you did. There’s usually a reason I stop responding to people. 
VJ - Your response to Roy was a bit on the harsh side. You have no way of knowing that he was a "problem customer" for Martin Logan. It is possible he just plain had a pair of speakers with problems.

You and I exchanged emails for 30 days, starting January 4 and ending February 3. I asked you when the speakers would ship, and never heard back from you. I also asked for some names of companies for whom you did design work in the same email.

I was quite ready to purchase a pair of speakers, and never heard back from you. 
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I had several emails with Mr. Grail. He claims to have been a designer for several speaker companies. When I asked which they were, he stopped emailing me. I was actually interested in trying a pair out, but am now glad I didn't.
I bought a pair of these about 4 months ago without even hearing them, relying on the money back guarantee.  I cannot say enough good about them, especially after a break-in period.  I'm totally satisfied & think at the price they're a bargain.  Yes, it felt a bit sketchy purchasing in this way, but felt I had no risk except the pain of shipping them back if I didn't love 'em.  They're very professionally designed, manufactured & shipped.  I'd recommend to anyone looking for a pair in this price range!
Wow you bit the coin,I haven’t seen this nonsense.
I wish you the best of luck and maybe they leave you alone.