Graham Slee Era Gold V to Reflex anyone?

Good day!
I am wondering if anyone has made the switch from the Era Gold V to the Reflex in the Graham Slee line and if so if you feel that it was a worthwhile change/upgrade? I am currently running the following:

Rega p9/Origin Live Encounter II/Audio Technica AT33PTG(sometimes Shelter 501, sometimes Denon DL-103s)>
Graham Slee Elevator>
Graham Slee Era Gold V

If anyone has compared the two and can offer any insight it would be interesting to hear your thoughts...

Showing 1 response by jjorqueram

I have now the era gold V, a very good friend sold me this unit that he buy a new reflex pre phono. I like Graham Reflex is more than era gold v, but two are very good preamps. i used with Clearaudio Maestro Wood on a Acoustic solid classic wood and arm wtb 211 and my friend used the reflex with musikmaker on a acoustic solid wood with hadcock arm ...