Google Nest WiFi

Based on recommendations here, I installed the Google Nest WiFi system. I have the router and two points and it works great. My router is located too far away from my stereo system to allow a wired connection to my streamer. The points do not have an ethernet connection, the router does.

My question: If I buy another nest router can I connect it wirelessly to my network

and use that to make a wired connection to my streamer. Has anyone done this?

I have not had much luck researching this online.



Showing 2 responses by jerrybj

I'm not able to stream via ethernet cable, so have to use wifi.

Slightly different than you hardware though.


Have just bought a wifi extender, as it has ethernet out.

Planning to run a Meicord Opal ethernet cable from it to my streamer.

Currently researching how to clean up the noise from the extender to the streamer.


Did you add anything to clean up the sound?

Network switch, or anything else?