Google Nest WiFi

Based on recommendations here, I installed the Google Nest WiFi system. I have the router and two points and it works great. My router is located too far away from my stereo system to allow a wired connection to my streamer. The points do not have an ethernet connection, the router does.

My question: If I buy another nest router can I connect it wirelessly to my network

and use that to make a wired connection to my streamer. Has anyone done this?

I have not had much luck researching this online.



Showing 5 responses by ericsch

Yes, it is my understanding the older version points had ethernet connections. BTW my house is built on a concrete slab so I can't run a cable under the house. Can't fish a wire either, too much trouble and it's an exterior wall full of insulation.   


So you think I could integrate an older nest point into my present set up?

I tried researching this online, couldn’t find much help.


@jerrybj Before I got the Nest, I used an

extender wired to the streamer. It work 
