Good Used Speakers ($8K-10K) For A Little Listening Room

I know that this is a tough one, because speakers are so subjective.  My dedicated 2 channel listening room is only 10ft x 10ft.  I listen to mostly jazz and rock.  I currently use a Plinius SA100 Mk III (recapped and upgraded) driving Joseph Audio RM25XL's.  I'm thinking of upgrading and was wondering what speakers would be a good upgrade for a small listening room.  I like the Joseph Audio sound, but want more.  I was thinking of Pulsars or maybe Perspectives.  First, is my room too small for floor standing speakers? Second, what other speakers in the $8-10K range used would be a good fit in a small room?

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Um, sorry @Contuzzi - EQ is OK, but not as good as bass traps AND EQ. 

At the very least, EQ can cut out the severe peaks (20 dB is not exaggerating), allowing you to raise the overall level of the subwoofer to better match the main speakers. It's not ideal, since the overall problem of energy lingering too long remains, and it's impossible to fix nulls this way alone. 

Still, EQ alone offers major benefits, without necessarily achieving reference quality. 


Get Fritz speakers, new, for half that. Anything with a ScanSpeak mid-woofer is going to be a pheonomenal 2-way. He makes several. 

