Good tube pre-amp for Rotel 1090 with Thiel 3.5s

I am used to tube gear (Cayin and ASL) but I need more power for my Thiels. Any ideas on a good tube pre-amp with Rotel amps?



Thanks for the help. I would like to use the amp with a NAD542 CD player, no phono, HT? - it would be nice to expand later. My Thiels are running on a Cayin T30 with suprisingly good results. The sound quality is spacial, warm, and easy to listen to for extended periods (not bright at all). My system is very pleasing 90% of the time but sometimes I would like a little more volume and a friend of mine runs his 3.5s with a Rotel 200w amp and a SS pre-amp with good results. I don't want to leave tube gear but I can't afford 100 watts of tube gear. Have you had any success with the hybrid integrated equipment? Is it worth looking into?


In my opinion a Conrad Johnson PV-10B would work nicely in your system. I had one driving my Thiel 3.6's in a medium accoustically damped room for about a year and really enjoyed it. The PV10 pre was used in conjunction with a CJ MF2500 amp, audioquest cables, and SCD-1 CD player.
Anthing very smooth and rounded. The Rotel and Thiel are going to be very bright. Perhaps and older Conrad-Johnson or, better yet, Cary Audio. Good luck.

Buda, Depends on what tonal qualities are important to you and how much you are willing to invest. Also, do you have any specif requirements of a pre-amp, i.e. phono stage, remote, HT pass thru, etc. Care to comment?