Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K

I have nice speakers for acoustics, jazz, vocals, etc. but are not great for rock and roll.  Would welcome any recommendations for speakers that do a great job with classic rock and roll.  I will add some components in my system that might influence thinking:

New Audio Frontiers Tube Preamp, New Audio Frontiers 845 Tube Power Amp, Lampizator Atlantic DAC, Innuos Zenith Streamer, Tchernov cables.


Good used pair of Radio Shack Optimus 1150 are the best!   Great for heavy metal stuff. 

If you’re still looking, there’s a pair of JBL 4315 on USAM for $6k. With the money you save you can fly to California to audition and pick up. These ROCK!!! and no horns. I’d buy them myself if I could. 

So you want to Rock-n-Roll

I use a mac tube preamp and 2 mac 2100's bridged with JBL 4435's


I looked back at your recommendations and must disagree with your inclusion of Volti as not being appropriate. That could not be further from the truth.