Good primer for using XLD?

I am getting ready to delve into a computer-based set up with a Mac Mini and (as yet to be determined) DAC. I have read that XLD is the way to go for importing the files into the computer. I have it on my iMac, but am not 100% clear on how to best rip and then store the files. Can someone point me to a good primer/explanation of how to best use XLD? Thanks much! -Jon
There's a new XLD download.....things are different.... version 20130127. Anyone know how to set this one up?? Mac Mountain Lion.
This is what I do. I'm not an expert so don't hold me to this, but I hope someone finds it useful.

Output format: FLAC
I left all the defaults, including compression level to "Normal". I think I left everything else at default values.

Load CD, then:
File -> Open Audio CD

Once loaded:

Get Metadata - I look at the options that come up, often trying several of them. Usually at least one of them is good.

Edit Metadata - if the metadata is not to my liking or if it didn't come up with anything, I will edit it. This can be tedious but I don't have to do it very often.

Cover art - if it is not to my liking or if it didn't come up with anything, I will search the web for cover art (usually Allmusic or Amazon), download it and drag and drop it to the cover art area. This is a nice feature.

Extract - choose the folder to extract to. I organize the folders by artist, then subfolders for each album.

Finally, check the log for errors, and you're done.
Thanks, much, Rhanson--I actually saw that one; was just seeing what else is out there.
Jonathan --

This might help:
As a new XLD user, I'll be watching this thread with interest.

So far, I've done both AIFF and WAV rips. Only one CD reported errors. It's working pretty well for me, but my current challenge is to figure out how to get the CDs ripped and stored in iTunes without also having a copy in a destination folder.