good old tuners going obsolete

Well I didn't getting any feedback on my post about the Marantz ST-7001. I know it is one of many that will be the new wave of the future. Already radio stations are advertising that they are launching HD channels. Which means that if your using that much cherished - - - - - - - - ( fill in the blank with your favorite tuner ) you will not be able to pull in any of the HD channels, you will be limited to only the channels you are receiving now. And it is my understanding that some of the stations are already planning on putting different programing in the slot that is available to analog tuners. Of the high end tuners I have been able to trace so far, only Marantz and Magnum are making HD tuners. What I just can't figure out though, is why people are so willing to shell out big bucks for these analog tuners here and on ebay. They will soon be next to worthless :(
KT88 makes a good point. Turntables are still useful as we keep our own LP collection. A tuner is dependent on the radio station. Once the station drops the "software", the tuner is useless.

I've been noticing a trend for many years. Radio station equipment is getting cheaper and losing audio quality at the same time. Digital processing is now used for compression and to limit phase modulation. The "encoders" don't appear to be concentrating on sonics. Just features and price.

Seems pretty obvious that as radio stations upgrade to the newer equipment to jam in more stations on each tower, the sound quality will suffer.

The HD channels are not high definition, except by branding. I believe they are merely bit-limited compressed digital audio, probably MP3 or similar. Old analog FM is far superior in terms of sonics. It can actually be quite good. Not sure how many broadcasters are still using such a quality setup. Maybe one?

This is off the point a bit but, does "High End" radio really sound any good? I can't possibly see how it could.
So roughly when do you see "worthless" actually happening? One year, five years?