What I’d consider doing rather than moving the rack and potentially degrading performance with cheaper interconnects would be to buy a new rack that’s long and low — like two components high. That way you can leave the components where they are but the components are more out of the way both sonically and visually. Just another thought FWIW.
Good choice for 20' XLR cable?
I'm thinking of moving my equipment rack to a side wall. If and when I do that, I will need a pair of 20' XLR cables to go between preamp and amp. I do not want to spend more than $1,500.00 for the pair, hopefully much less for decent quality. New or used is okay for me.
Do you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding a particular brand?
Thank you.
Showing 2 responses by soix
These Audio Sensibilities interconnects are worth a look. 7N copper and cryogenically treated. Price is in Canadian $ so a 7m pair should be within your budget in US$. They also have a cheaper XLR that’s about half the price of this one. These Audio Envy interconnects have a good reputation and would also be well below your budget. https://audioenvy.com/product/monitor/onestian-g10-pair/ Probably can’t go too wrong with Mogami either. Best of luck. |