Goldmund, not much inside, but ultra expensive.

Is judging Goldmund products on what’s inside them fair? If it’s, then what are you paying for? There’s nothing but space inside most of their equipment. Not only is there nothing inside them they’re ridiculously expensive. Look inside their Nextgen 590 intergraded amp $29000. There’s nothing inside.
To be fair, I must say I’ve never heard their equipment, so maybe it’s worth what they charge, but judging it from its inside It looks like it isn’t.

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It’s also cheaper for the manufacturer to have as little parts inside as possible to maximize their profit margin.   Don’t blame Goldmund, I just bought a 31K SUV with thousands of parts inside and yet a 6 foot pair of speaker wires can easily cost in excess of the 31K.  Why, other than greed?  No wire on the planet is worth that no matter how you try to justify it.