Golden Tube SE 40 repair and check up

Who does quality repair and check up on Golden Tube SE40's? This includes heater upgrade to correct voltage. I have three and buthcher got a hold of them. Thanks to all responders....Mark
Rx8man and Pdspecl: thanks much! The website is still up; let's hope they are still doing mods/repairs.

Anyone else?
Not only does Jeff perform repairs he also has a mod package he offers, or at least use to offer for the SE 40.
He's a GREAT tech!!!!!
I do repairs and check ups of vintage audio equipment in Raleigh NC, however I don't know particular upgrade you're talking about. If upgrade menu provided, I'll certainly be able to implement it. I've also never been dealing with remote customers. It was all local the whole time.

You can PM me for more info

Other than that, I'd go for repairs to either Guitar Center or smaller local music store where they have techie that services guitar amps. Your Golden tube is much less sophisticated than guitar amp.