Golden age of vinyl recordings?

I know that for a period of time recording studios used analog equipment to make records. Eventually this switched to solid state. What period of time were the best vinyl recordings made? It doesn't matter what genre of music. I just want to know what to look for. I currently listen to classic rock and blues but am open to expanding my horizons (i.e. classical or jazz). Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Tube equipment certainly isn’t going to be extinct any time soon...sales of tube guitar amps far outnumber tube home audio stuff...maybe 100 to 1 (possibly much more), and tape decks are having a revival including cassettes, although those might be a fad. Updated and newly designed reel to reel decks are basically state of the art for playback these days. Regarding post ’68 vinyl, I have a lot of amazing stuff from the 60s to current production that sounds astonishingly good, and to think otherwise is weirdly narrow and ignores the astonishing revival of great vinyl, thousands of great recordings, and the brilliant engineers and mastering pros who make it happen.
When I bought my Klipsch Heresy III speakers last year there was a "free album" offer sticker on the boxes. One per I went to the Klipsch site and wound up with 2 10" 33rpm mono albums, one of early Monk, and a Miles Davis thing...AMAZING quality things that sound so good in all ways (even with my stereo phono cartridge) that it blew my little mind. If anybody needs to see where Jazz went, listen to people like Vijay Iyer and Craig Taborn, and many many more current's alive and well.