Gold Note PH-10 vs Manley Chinook

Hello all, I am considering an upgrade from my Musical Surroundings Phonomena II phono pre.  Locally available used are the GN PH-10 (with PSU-10 power supply) and the Chinook.  Curious if anyone has experience with both.  Or one, whatever.  The Phonomena is nice and a decent upgrade from what I was using.  It is robust and dynamic but probably not the most subtle. I wouldn't mind a bit more detail and imaging/soundstaging.  A little warmth ok too.  I know we are talking solid state vs tubes and I am leaning towards the tubes/Chinook.  But, the GN gets very good reviews and seems extremely versatile.  Associated TT is a Rega 6 with Exacta cart.  



SPL Phonos should be on your list.  IMO is the best Phono Pre I have owned in the last 20 years. But I am streaming more and more.

2 good choices, it comes down to preferences.

However, the “tube” Manley would likely sound the least like his current SS phono stage which may be a decision factor.  I favor variety and exploration, so my vote is for you to try “tube”.  You can later switch back to SS, it’s about improving the sound to your preferences.  

Some reviewers have noted that they could not distinguish the Manley Oasis from a solid state phono stage.  Leads to the question as to whether the Manley gear have the "tube sound" some seek?

I would guess that "max volume no music playing" would result in hiss or noise of some other character, with any phono stage ever made, tube or SS. Solid state units are most prone to produce some hiss (rather than hum, rush, or buzz) under those circumstances.  Fortunately, the condition "max volume no music playing" is for all practical purposes irrelevant. I don't know about the Chinook, but I own a Steelhead, and it is very very quiet by any standard. So far as I can tell, the Chinook phono circuit is very similar to the Steelhead's. Also based on my knowledge of the Steelhead, the Chinook phono section may be more accurately thought of as a hybrid of transistor and tube.

I've recently upgraded from a Luxman E250 to the GoldNote PH10 and PSU pair, it's used for my Gyro SE with a Tecnoarm 2 and Koetsu Black MC cart.  The GoldNote pair are so musical and a step up in almost all areas compared to my previous luxman.