Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada

Sorry, fellow audiophiles in the great U.S.A. CANADA won the GOLD MEDAL in Men's Hockey...and in Women's hockey...leaving YOU GUYS 2nd best!

Wayne Gretzky for President!

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

We'll let you have the gold medals for the men and the women. It's the least we can do to comfort you, and help take your minds off the fact that you're living in a frozen tundra. We will however, keep the warmer climate. Want to play us in baseball? You know, the summer game, oh, that's right, you probably don't know what summer is. We feel so bad for you, we even gave you the gold in the pairs figure skating. We are nice people, and very charitable towards those less fortunate. Don't say we never gave you anything.
Natalie, maybe you need to check again. Last I checked, Canada was farther north than the US. I admit I haven't checked in awhile, things may have changed. Rgd, I've never been to those remote northern states, rumor has it that it's too damn cold.