Going SACD or analog?

I am at the crossroad in choosing new vs old technology. Selling my Sony redbook cdp and going with Sony 777, or investing into the hi-end turntable rig? Have few records, and several hundred of CD's. I listened SACD with Krell and Martin Logan speakers. It was great, but i liked all Linn analog set-up even more. I would have about 3k to spend, which wouldn't be much for an excellent analog set (including phono stage pre) as i am using Sony's volume control with my Plinius 100 mkII. What to do? what to do?

Showing 3 responses by pbb

Bomarc makes a lot of sense. Duanegoosen mentions what vinylphiles gloss over: every time an lp is played it becomes noisier. Heck, they will say gleefully that they like this noise since it lives in another sonic plane! In pre-cd days, brand new vinyl was bad at least two out of three times. The worst culprits: American pressings, with CBS at the top of the list. I can just imagine what used vinyl is like. Went to a local shop that specializes in used vinyl last week (although they sell new vinyl, the choice is almost as limited as SACD), the records I looked at were scuffed and scratched. My vinyl collection was pampered. A visual inspection of any disc taken at random will show nothing awry at least 95% of the time. Put it on the turntable and half the time (approximately) the disc is noisy. I can just imagine how noisy the ones in that shop are, if you can see on a quick visual examination that the record is just so so. If you want a tt so you can buy recordings not otherwise available, go ahead. Don't expect it to replace your cd player though, despite all the bad press cd is getting these days. They are two different approaches. Some good can be said of either. Something that can't be said though is that abandoning cd will settle all your reproduced music issues.
Alberporter, I have no desire to have this as a saga of digital vs. analogue, tt vs. CD, and on and on. The question posed by the gentleman was put as if he were at a crossroads. My answer to him was not to look at it this way and to keep CD playback even if he chooses to get a tt. I see nothing ballistic is what I said. Granted I have never heard anything close to the expensive equipment you have, so I may have no idea how gentle your set-up might be on the fragile grooves. Insofar as a cleaning machine, which was one of the suggestions made by another poster, granted dirt and grunge in the grooves is not a good thing, but the groove once damaged never heals, unlike biological systems. The gentlemen here was not asking what to buy for 50K but with 3k, preamp included. This should give very good playback capability if he buys in the used market and if his purchases are carefully thought out. In closing, yes, I find that a noisy record is not enchantment, ticks and pops break the spell for me, and I find it disingenuous when people do not mention the shortcomings of vinyl when someone too young to remember (I presume here) when it was all that was available inquires as to taking the tt plunge, and even more so when the person intends to do away with CD altogether. I take good note of your admission that at least thirty percent (30%) of you record library is noisier than CD or SACD. It is very hard to embarrass me BTW. I take you at your word that your record playing equipment is topnotch. At this stage SACD is not a substitute for CD. At least an SACD player can play CDs, which the last time I checked is not the case for a turntable. Let's not make any of this personal. Good day.