Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?

It was recently suggested to me that rather than doing a crossover upgrade 

I look into an active crossover for my Tannoy FSMs. Anyone experienced enough 

to guide me? What advantages does active provide?


Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

...all of this seems terribly familiar...and recent, as well...;)

HO...going 'active' does not have to require massive amounts of $.  It will necessitate multiple amps, but it will allow you to 'mate' wattage to the drivers involved....more power to the woofers?  Not a problem.  Back off on the tweets?  Same deal...

Gots passive speakers?  Are they out of warranty?
Do you own a screwdriver?
Make notes on the wiring, check the stated xover frequencies, peruse the type/design of the existing passive unit.
Run jumpers out of the port, if there is one.  Otherwise....surgery, some minor manufacturing, wiring....

Set the xover to 'type of'/points/slopes....start with the 'originals', and then dial to taste....or displayed responses...

You will spend more $ on cables....goes with the territory....

You can make it all sound as described above. *S*

You can also make it all sound like thrice-eaten cabbage....

But...that's the wonder and horror of Control. ;)
....Badges?!  What/When/Where....?
*sigh*  Time to light up Photoshop....again....*grumble*
@ivan_nosnibor  , well put. *S*  And, both a warning and a challenge.

But, since most of what I've been doing lately is experimental....and nothing is 'pedigree' that I own...

Nothing ventured....;)
 ...and really nothing to lose. *G*

@andy2 , ...'muchacho' , gringo...