No question an external DAC will improve your experience. Your ranges is topping out way too low. $50 to closer to $125K at the high end. DACs are one of the places where tech has advanced and it is very common for me to talk to people with gear that is well maintained and is $20+ years old and they continue to update DACs and streaming gear.
You could get something as inexpensive as the Musical Fidelity V90 which is $299 and it will make a difference. This with a Bluesound Node ($550) would give you a nice DAC and streaming transport. You would just connect your CD via a different input. The Bluesound has a built in DAC but it isn't very good.
The other option would be to with a streaming player. The Marantz ND8006 might be the perfect device as it is a DAC, streamer and CD player in one. The sound quality is very good and the feature set is great.
I am a Musical Fidelity and Bluesound dealer. I have no relationship with Marantz.
You could get something as inexpensive as the Musical Fidelity V90 which is $299 and it will make a difference. This with a Bluesound Node ($550) would give you a nice DAC and streaming transport. You would just connect your CD via a different input. The Bluesound has a built in DAC but it isn't very good.
The other option would be to with a streaming player. The Marantz ND8006 might be the perfect device as it is a DAC, streamer and CD player in one. The sound quality is very good and the feature set is great.
I am a Musical Fidelity and Bluesound dealer. I have no relationship with Marantz.