getting into streaming

So after many years of playing cd's, I'm considering getting into streaming music. I would prefer to use the DAC in my accuphase CD player; my question is I assume any streamer would require something additional to control it (smart phone, tablet etc) but I'm wondering if there is something out there that has its own controller to use to surf for songs, so I don't have to buy anything else to use it


Showing 1 response by audioman58

There is a ton of things left out such as from the start buy a good modem router combo like the motorola 8702, then buy a decent Linear power supply to clean up the noise ,little green computer 12 v 8 amp.

then you needto buy 2 quality Ethernet cables ,and from Sonore a deluxe 

Ethernet to fiber optic converter for noise can’t travel overnight , then at your Ethernet end point the Sonore converter from fiber optic back to ethernet 

Jcat makes excellent usb and Ethernet cables , to do it right and at your Sonore end point the Linear Tube Audio  has by far the best LPS power supply and for $750 with very good DC cable is a bargain. Put in a synergistic Purple fuse 

parts connecxion has 20% off sales  thisis if you want to truly eliminate the noise 

for digital noise travels house to house ,Yes even if in packets that’s why I recommended a Quality combo that has docsis 3.1 which is 4x faster and far better processing power the the LPS to clean up noise to start the digital signal down stream then a hub converter . Jus5 go to little green computer , for example