Getting Into PC Audio and Need Help

I have a full blown 2 channel audio system, but I want to dive into PC Audio and have no idea what I'm doing but I think I have most of what I need, and am on the right track... I still need help though.

I have copied my cd collection onto my home PC (Dell Computer) with Windows Media 10 in Lossless format.

I have an Esoteric D-03 DAC already. Here is info on this dac:

What is the best way to connect my PC to Esoteric D-03 DAC? Do I need a seperate clock? The D-05 has a word clock input and a word clock output feature, so I'm not sure if I could use it's internal clock. Please explain what addional components (if any) I need, along with cables. Please also explain connections.

Showing 4 responses by cerrot

I didn't think the iLink was a firewire input. I think only for connectiing to other Esoteric gear via iLink.
The DAC has toslink as well as spdif and balanced inputs. If the dell has toslink out, try it with a good cable. If not, you need to make a decision. Go with a Lynx internal PCI card to feed dac a balanced input or go outboard route and get a PC interface to dac interface converter. The pro-audio world has quite a few of these format converters (do not inlude a dac as your Esoteric will be the dac). I would probably go with the PC card but I have been experimenting and I find even laptop too noisey and have used a wireless solution. See how loud the Dell is. It may impact your decision.

I use a firewire to spdif converter by M-Audio called the Firewire Solo. I think it was $200 and probably less on sale. It sounds great. I would use Firewire over usb to covert to s/pdif.
There are more expensive by RME, etc but that have a ton of inputs, which I don't need. To me, a firewire to s/pdif solution is the only one. You can also check out Focusrite. You already have an incredible dac so all the interface is doing is taking the firewire signal and converting it to an spdif signal. We aren't dealing with state of the art on this firewire/spdif stuff yet. You need to look at the pro market for firewire, mostly. Check there for reviews as well.